Chapter 7

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A/n let's have some honey senpai this chapter nay?

(Y/n)'s pov
That noise outside.... It sounded like my friends? No I don't have any, that's right.... Uhhhh...

(No ones pov)
The door hit the wall with a bang as the door was opened. The rest of the (l/n) family stepped in, suitcases and all. The father looks around till he spots (y/n), in all of her confused glory. She just stood there confused as heck...

(Y/n)'s pov
I saw my family walk in, after my father spotted me... I got a bright idea.  "Y'know that wasn't very punny, I mean I have a skele-ton of work to do. Then you all just bust in when there is adore between us. Yeah acid that.. I know you expect me to say canoe forgive me but naw, I'm not doing that!" I yelled.... at my parents for the first time ( in forever ).  My dad was about to be steaming mad. I grabbed my back back and ran.My mother screeched at me where I was going.., "acid I was running away did ya not hear me you numbskull!?!". After running far far away and near the pizzaria, I felt safe knowing it was safer around here. I was so happy I could finally get a apartment, a phone, call the popo on my parents.... I felt so happy. I walked into he pizzaria a bit early but hey I got away from home. I was still in my pj's but oh well... What happened next surprised me, it was...?

A/n hoped you enjoy my writing any questions, comments, or concerns please put down below .
Word count : 283

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