°°Chapter 1°°

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People say my life is perfect. People think that I'm privileged and that's how I achieve everything I can. Who am I to correct them? Honestly, I don't give a shit what people think. Maybe that's why I have a slight reputation.

I'll give you guys some advice though. If people hate you for no reason. Give them a damn reason. Be yourself, no matter how much it offends these weak people.

Anyway enough pep talk for now, as I'm navigating my way through the city I find myself looking at the frost covered trees. Winter is my favourite season. Everything looks so clean and pure. Almost untouched. I pull my mini cooper into my usual parking space in front of Glen Haven High School. Home of the dolphins. Whoever the hell chose dolphins for our mascot needs to get their head checked, I don't see how dolphins can be intimidating in anyway.

Getting my stuff together I make my way out the car and through the doors of this hell hole. The second I step through the doors my two best friends Mica and Clark are by my side.

"Missed you Care Bear," Clark Side giving me a side hug.

"Yeah where the hell were you Jamie?" asked Mica.

"I was busy finishing the assignment our dear history teacher Mr. Watts has gifted us with. The power went out so I went to the library to finish it and my phone died. Sorry mom." I replied rolling my eyes at Mica.

Mica and Clark have been my two best friends ever since I move here from South Africa about 7 years ago. Let's just say my father struck gold, made millions, decided to move so he can make even more money. And that is basically my life story, nothing more, nothing less.

Mica is stunning, with coffee coloured skin, brown hair, a figure to kill for and let's just say a personality of Mc Jagger. Wild and out of fricken' control.

Clark is more on the softer side, baby blue eyes, great smile that pairs perfectly with his great body. He's also quarterback of the dolphins – ugh - therefore, tons of people think there's something going on between us. Just cliché shit but whatever.

I already have a man in my life, and there he is now. And who the hell is he talking to.

"Hey babe," walking to his locker while students part ways for me. "No," I state looking at the blond leech smiling at him and casually stroking his arm.

"What?" she asks me looking confused as hell. Fine, I'm not going to lie, she doesn't look like a skank or a bitch, she's dressed in a plain hoodie and jeans, wearing nothing more than eye liner. But, it's called boundaries. Don't cross them, especially with me.

"Don't What? me," I replied simply, rolling my eyes' "That's my boyfriend, don't stroke his arm, flirt with him and then act confused."

"I'm sorry," she replied, her lips trembling, "I'm new I didn't know he has a girlfriend, I'll get out of your way." She began walking away when she turned and said, "Thank you for your help Jason, I'll see you around." How can some people be so sensitive, I was just stating facts, I'm sorry if I don't sugar coat everything for you. Jeez. How can that make her lips tremble and make her want to burst into tears.

With that she left. And Jason gave me the stink eye.

"Jason," Clark says giving Jason that 'manly' nod.

"Uh, we'll see you later." Mica says pulling Clark away with her.

"What's wrong now Jason," I sighed.

"You didn't have to do that Jamie."

"Do what exactly?"

"You didn't have to act like such a bitch to her. I know you have this messed up reputation but that doesn't mean you have to live up to it."

"Ok, first of all, I don't appreciate you letting other girls fall all over you and you're the same – look at how you treat Clark. Second of all, I am who I am and I'm sick of you trying to change me, I'm not sickly sweet and I'm not fucken fake so don't try and make me into something I'm not. I am a bitch, why, because I don't like people stepping all over me and I actually stand up for myself."

"She was not all over me Jamie! Are you freaken listening to yourself! You think that just because I helped show her around I'm going to sleep with her. I'm not that guy anymore. And obviously you can see she's not that type of girl. Look how she was dressed for god's sake. And Clark has a freaken crush on you and you do nothing about it so I'm allowed to teat that jackass anyway I want."

With that he slammed his locker and walked away. I looked up to see the entire corridor looking at me. "Show's over bitches! I hope you enjoyed the performance! Be sure to tell your friends about it! Catch us next time here at Glen Freaken' Haven High School!" I yelled at these idiots acting like a stage performer. Cause honestly, that's all I am to them. They began to scramble and started talking to their friends. Obviously about yours truly. I can't wait to hear how they spin the story and how it turns out. Rumours, gotta love them right? Yes, that was sarcasm.

Today is going to be an amazing day. Sarcasm again, come on guys.




So I started this book a while ago, but I just wasn't happy with how things were turning out in my head. Like I just wasn't happy with the direction or the story line or anything you know. But, I finally figured it out and now I'll be updating regularly. Probably weekly, but I'll get back to you guys on that one in the next authors note.

Couple of Questions

Do you think Jamie swears too much?

What do you think of Jamie?

What do you think of Jason?

Any comments or thoughts on an of the other characters?

This chapter was just to introduce some characters and what not. Thanks again for giving the book a chance. Tell me all your thoughts, any ideas you might have.

Vote. Comment. Must most of all. Enjoy. this book has been entered into the wattys... so any support will really be appreciated! thanks guy.

And don't forget to share :)

P.s... this is my first book so please be kind and point out any errors f you see them 

 this is my first book so please be kind and point out any errors f you see them 

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Heres a stunning gif of Jamie

Till next time.



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