°Chapter 5°

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"What the fuck is going on Jamie?"

 "Shh... keep your voice down guys." That was Mica completely clueless as ever. I pinched her so she would wake up. 

"Nothing is going on Jason. We were watching a movie and we fell off to sleep." 

"Really now? So is that why you guys were all over each other?"

 "Look man, nothing happened." Clark told him getting up and laying a hand on his shoulder. 

"Don't you dare fucken touch me." Jason told him. Clark put his hands up and took a couple of paces back. Trying to give him his space. 

"Jason do you really think something happened? I was right here with them." That was Mica bless her soul. 

All I could do was sit on that stupid couch and stare at him. 

"Well, how the hell must I know?" Jason shouted at her, "Here I am thinking hey, my girlfriend isn't at school. She's not answering my texts. I hope she's ok, she missed cheer practice even though there's a big game tonight. Let me take her some fucken lunch." He then blasted the white packet again the wall he was standing next to. 

"Ok you need to calm down," I told him finally standing up. 

"Don't tell me to fucken calm down," he told me walking towards me. He was standing so close to me I could feel his breath fan my lips. "You know what, maybe what everyone says about you is actually true," he told me lowly. 

"Really, and what does everyone say exactly?" I asked him. I was getting pissed. He shouldn't be using rumors and stories against me. That's not who I am. And he, being my boyfriend, should know that. 

"That Jamie Hart, the fucken heiress to the Hart empire is nothing more than a gossiping, two faced slut." And there it is. People think because I'm an heiress, because I stand up for myself and because I don't pretend to act weak and innocent like they do – there must be something wrong with me. 

"Ok that's fucken enough," Clark ground out, pulling Jason away from me. 

"No, but it's true isn't it?" He asked still keeping eye contact with me, "you let your money define you, you think you're better than everyone else. You treat everyone else like absolute shit and you whore around with people like him." He says nodding at Clark. 

"Ok Fuck it," and the next thing I saw was a fist flying into Jasons right eye. 

Was I a wrong at feeling a little pleasure? 

Nah. No one talks to me like that. 

Jason pushed himself off the floor, "I've been aching to do this for months now." And he clocked Clark right in the eye. 

"Ok that's enough!" I screamed and Clark stopped his fist in midair. 

"Both of you just stop. Jason get out, I don't want to see you right now. Clark go get cleaned up." 

"It's funny how you want me to leave but you let him stay," was the last words Jason uttered before he stormed out of the apartment.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked Mica as I collapsed on the couch. 

"Well, if you ask me. Jason got a punch he deserved. Don't be mad at Clark. I was about to punch him myself." 

I'm so tired of everyone else talking shit about me. Couldn't people just stay away from me and keep their noses out of my business. Why did Jason have to bring up all that crap. That's not who i was.

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