×Chapter 2×

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The rest of the day was spent with people giving me awkward glances, whispering behind my back and blatantly asking me why did I 'attack' the new girl and try to 'claw her eyes out'. Which resulted in me just telling them all to go and fuck themselves.

I don't see how people can twist things so much to the point where I actually wish I did those things so at least I wouldn't feel like people new the false me.

"Miss Hart, please pay attention," Mr. Watts says tapping his pencil on my desk.

"Mr. Watts, please be more interesting," I told him rolling my eyes. Honestly I do all his work, come to class, and he is always down my freaken' throat trying to push me over the edge.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"Please leave my class now Miss. Hart."

"With pleasure." I began packing my things, I could already see the stories that were going to spin from here.

Leaving the hushed murmurs behind me I made my way to the bathroom, like hell I was going to the principal's office. I fixed my make-up touched up my blood red lip stick, and fix my rumpled clothes. Today I opted for more of a dull outfit if I do say so myself. I wore a black leather skirt with dark purple stockings fur boots and the jacket to match. To me this might be dull but to my fellow classmates it was "slutty", "attention seeking" and bla bla bla.

I actually kind of love it, I thought to myself as I made my way up the stairs to the roof of the school. I love the fact that people say exactly what they think of me. I love the fact that no matter what, my friends are actually true. And damn its entertaining hearing what these idiots have to say. Or what they think they know about me, what I did last night, or better yet - who they saw me do. Every school has to have a queen bitch, and my school chose me cause lets me honest, I am kind of a bitch.

Propping a stick between the door frame and the door I let myself onto the roof. Sitting up here was my favourite thing to do, it was so quiet because everybody was too scared to come here. Detention and all that jazz.

I decided to browse 9Gag while I waited for lunch. I honestly didn't feel like going to any of my classes right now. While I was sending the most ridiculous memes to Clark, he was keeping me updated on what was going on downstairs.

Clark: I heard you tried to stab Mr. Watts with your pencil.

Jamie: I tried but that man moves way to fast, he had me pinned before I could do any harm.

Clark: lol, that sucks I guess I'll have to do that quiz now. I was hoping you saved me.

Jamie: I'm sorry! I swear I tried to get you out of it.

Silently laughing to myself I heard the bell ring signalling the start of lunch.

Clark: We'll talk about your technique later, coming down for lunch or am I bringing you your food again?

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