Damian, Bart, Garfield, Jaime | When you find out they cheated

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A/n: Wanna give a shout out to those that gave me ideas for these scenarios. Thank you very much for your help. You know who you are!

Damian Wayne (5th Robin):

Silence was hanging in the air as you stood in the door way. You're not sure whether to be hurt or surprised but some how your expression showed a mixture of both. And all he can do was cover himself up and hold his hands up like one would do to calm someone down.

But you didn't need to be told what to do at the moment. No because you knew exactly what to do. It's not like this is the first time it happened to you. It's not the first time someone you love slept around behind your back. The only difference is this time you caught them in the act.

By now because it happened so many times before, you became heartless whenever it would happened again.

"(Y-Y/n) listen let me explain-"

"What in the world is there left to explain. It's as clear as day before my eyes. There is no explaining to do Damian. All that is left is for you to do is get the hell up and out with the skank hiding beside you. Oh and your clothes will be outside for you to pick up tomorrow."


"No buts -- Get the hell out NOW!! and if your clothes are not picked up by tomorrow, I'm donating them. Now out!" With that he was out the door with only the cover around him, leaving the girl there.

"The hell you still doing here? Get out!" You screeched, she reached for her clothes but you stopped her in the process.

"Bitch I mean now before I change my mind and beat your ass dead."

Bart Allen (Impulse):

"Who is this?" You asked holding up his phone for Bart to view.

"Oh that! That's just Mandy. She's just a friend." He replied nervously.

Your brows furrow together. You knew he was lying and the fact that you caught him and he still tries to lie pissed you off. Through you did want to let him know straight up that your not stupid and you know he's cheating but you don't feel like arguing. You just want to walk out of here, leave and be done with this relationship.

You rolled your eyes.

"Bull shit. But you know what its alright because I knew you weren't any different from my past. I don't know why I thought you were different. But it's fine. I'm just going to go." You started walking to the door but a hand grabbed your arm and spun you around making you come face to face with Bart.

"(Y/n), listen to me. It meant nothing to me! I swear baby it d-"

"If it didn't mean anything then why did you do it, huh?" you asked and in return to that question, he just kept silent and looked away.

You laughed before yanking your arm out of his hold, "That's what I thought.."

Garfield Mark "Gar" Logan (Beast boy):

Garfield was acting strange lately for the pass month. He didn't hang out with you as much, he didn't give you your daily dose of sneaky kisses or hold you close as much as he have done before. You asked him plenty of times if something was wrong and his answer would always be "Babe, I'm fine."

Pfft he was fine alright. So fine that he was currently over there hugging and kissing this girl who wasn't in no way you. Of course he doesn't know your seeing all this... Yet. You make your way over to where they are and just as you're a good distance away enough that he can see you, his eyes bug out and he lets the girl go.

He stands up quickly and fast walks over to you.

"(Y/n)! What are you doing here?!"

"That doesn't matter. What matters is what are you doing here and who in the hell is that?!" You said, placing you hands on your hips.

"Uhh, well you see... Uh.. It's um a funny story haha..."

"Funny story huh? Well I have one for you too. Once upon a time, This boy was caught cheating and was left alone and broken while the girl went about her life like it never affected her. She lived happily ever after. The end -- Oh why aren't you laughing? Its so funny right?"

Okay maybe you were being a little harsh but who gives a shit. He cheated. End of story.

"Pfft whatever. Don't bother trying to talk to me. We are through." You said walking away and though you put up a brave front, you couldn't help the side of you that was tearing up inside from how hurt you actually were.

Jaime Reyes (Blue beetle):

Unbelievable. You can not believe what you just heard and saw. Jaime, your Jaime... Ha well not for long, was on the phone. You thought nothing of it at first but then you walked in on him as it got to a certain topic.

"Baby, don't worry I'll see you tonight... Yeah, I miss you too... That's exactly why I'm going to see you later... Alright, I love you too Sara. Bye." He hung up the phone and turn around. His eyes widen as he seen you standing there with your arms crossed and an unamused expression on your face.

"(Y-Y/n) h-how long were you standing there?"

"Hell, long enough to know your unfaithful."

He suddenly walks closer to you and try to grab your hand but you snatch it away before he can get to it.

"Don't touch me."

"Baby, (Y/n). I can explain."

"Why? Jaime there really is no point. I seen it with my own eyes. Don't try to lie to me. Just leave before I really flip the fuck out." You said pointing to the door.

"(Y/n) I-"

"Out." You said more sternly and stepped aside so he can leave.

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