Chapter 14

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Under the blaring sun, I carry eight cups of Latte with me as I was asked to do a quick delivery nearby. A few strands of my hair get rebellious, sticking tightly to my sweaty cheeks. Both of my hands are occupied so I let them stay there a little longer.

Roger would have declined the order if we had been busier. Today's business is rather slow for a sunny day. People usually rush inside to enjoy an iced drink and the air-conditioning. Where have they gone?

I glance at the note on my hand and press the doorbell. There is no signage nor the name of the company shown at the door, so I guess it's probably a private studio. Dancers, Painters or masseurs; I wonder who are behind that door.

As soon as the door is opened, I let out a frustrating breath. How could I not know it?

"Xue! I'm dying to talk to you. Come in," Amanda trills.

I enter the room, only because it is steamingly hot outside. In no way have I prepared to be summoned by Amanda through a bulk order. We are alone in the studio where paintings in assorted sizes are stacked up, lying against the walls colored in tiffany blue.

"It's just you? And all these coffee will go to waste?" I snap as I lay the cups on one of the office desks. It's not alchemy but it did take more than water to brew eight cups of Latte.

"We can save two for ourselves. So how did it go last night for you and Toshio?" In brisk movements, Amanda snatches a cup of coffee, settles herself on a brown leather sofa, and crosses her legs, her tanned skin exposed under her mini-skirt.

"You summoned me all the way here to ask that?" I don't see guilt on her face. In fact, I want to smack the smug smile out of that pretty flawless face. "Amanda, I consider you a friend. I really do. But this is very inappropriate. I'm supposed to deliver the coffee, get paid, and leave. I don't have the time to chat."

"Don't worry. I called your boss and he agreed to spare you fifteen minutes." She waves at me dismissively.

"Are you even listening to me? This is crazy, even from someone like you," I say without raising my voice but in despair.

I'm not angry. I've lost the will to express any anger because it's no use. Deep in my conscious, I dig for reasons to show some sympathy to Amanda. Maybe she's lonely. Maybe she needs a friend. I think of Luther. He would have said 'Forgive my wife and stay with her for a while, please.' I don't know why but he has a charming British accent in my head.

Putting down her paper cup on the coffee table, Amanda pulls me close and pats the seat next to her. "You know you love me. Have a seat. Now tell me everything."

"There's really nothing to tell. We just chatted."

"For an hour?" she asks, leaning closer. I can smell her coffee breath.

"I didn't time it. Did you?"

"Of course, I did. I would have put a hidden camera to film all of it."

" we had a great chat. That was it. I'm leaving," I reply and extricate myself from the sofa.

"N-n-no! You can't! At least tell me how you feel about him." I sink into the leather seat again as she pulls me down, her nails stabbed into my arm.

"Toshio is one of the nicest people I've known. I still can't believe he will take notice of someone like me," I explain, my fingers intertwined in my lap. "You confused me, though. You weren't that keen on match-making before."

"That's because I was not sure if Toshio was serious about you. He could be very dead around girls. I remember how he acted like a tin man around his ex. But now that I've seen he's all smitten by you, you two have my full support."

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