Part ONE

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~Brianna's POV~
So my parents wanted to move out of this stupid nasty old 101 year old house by the end of this month😱😱😱I really don't wan't to move because I am currently in a relashonship at school and to move means also moving schools!!I can't even think straight in this 17 year old mind!How in the world will I break up with Erik, move schools, learn new things about my new neighbors, have to pack and unpack mystery boxes and clean a new house by the end of January!!It's already January the 15th.I have absolutely no faith in my familu that we can do this..especiallu me being the only child with no help to pa-
I hate it when my father uses bad words around really makes me nervous. I walked down the creaky slippery stairs to find Erik at my front door with flowers in his hands...My father looked pissed the hell off.
"Who is the young man, Brianna"??
(Erik)"Brianna is my best friend from school an-"
(Dad)"OH..ok just making sure you don't have some stupid peewee boyfriend..."
Erik handed me the beautiful white roses and said quietly.."Your welcome"...
"Byeeeeee Erik..."!
I couldn't wait for him to leave me alone!!!!! He is always soooooo him was such a bad choice because he is really dominant in a bad way. He always wants something in return to his 'good deeds'....yeah okay.....I returned up to my room to put the flowers in a garbage sonewhere with the ones from yesterday...and the day before yesterday...and the previos day....he is very obbssesive and life is pretty messed up right now.

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