Part TWO

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~Brianna's POV~
Okay so it's already January the 21st! My parents already moved everything to the new house and they magically bought an amazing house with money they complain they never have. Tonight is the big day I break up with Erik and never have to see his sorry face again...I texted him and blocke him. Ha...he doesn't even know my address now. I am going to start off new, I thought in the backseat of my parents toyota van. I am gonna start of fresh...yeah like the Fresh Prince of Bel people, faces, places..ahhh..the things I will do.. I drifted off to sleep dreaming about the new house. I imagined my favorite things...the jackson 5...Frank Sinatra...Baseball..what it would be like to have a big brothee or sister and suddenly...BAM..we were at the new house..little did I know that hoirs had actually passed by and all I thought about were five 'stupid' little things as my parents would say. I don't believe that anything is stupid..just very simple to answer like the difference between 1 and 10. We walked up to the house door that was now ours...they actually BOUGHT this house! They didn't rent it....THEY BOUGHT IT. This is our lifelong home until I move out of course. I walked into the house looking around and seeing an already clean house...NO CLEANING...OMG YAY! As U kept walking in and out of rooms I noticed my room was the second largest, with a beautiful bay window and a little ledge on the outside that you can stand on and look outside on. I had a huge closet...don't know what for. I have like half of the closet used up and thats it..I am just wondering who in the world cleaned the house and put all of the things in the boxes away already..
"Brianna come here please.."
Great now my mom wants to speak with me..I already have enough ob my mind...
"Yes mom"?
"Um honey...the neighbors helped us put everything away and I would like you to meet them...dress NICE..we are going to their house for dinner and earlier tommorow you are also going to introduce yourself because your father and I already introduced can go to sleep's already 11:22 in the morning and you my friend have a long day tommorow.."
I walked up to my amazingly air conditioned room and put on a tank top and took off these ovary splitting jeans ..I need to go buy new clothes. Wearing almost nothing, I heard music coming from the neighbors house and looked out the window to find a shadow dancing behind the blinds in a dim room with four other people there dancing too. They were really loud and eventually calmed down and all went to bed...wait...did I just spy on my neighbors dancing??...oh jeez..I'm wierd.

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