Chapter One

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My name is Scarlet, and I have been in the asylum for as long as I can remember. I came here on false pretences. Some of the other people here say I went from the streets, homeless. While others say, my family thought I was crazy. Nobody here believes me when I say I don't belong here. I don't know what is real and what is fiction anymore. I don't know when my memory is lying or not.

Flashback ~

I was walking home from school on my birthday. My parents always picked me up, but they didn't show today, so I decided to walk home. It isn't a long walk. I stopped at my favourite shop. The only store left that sold Funtom Toys. I love the Funtom's toys, especially the white rabbit with the eye patch across the right eye. As I browsed the many rows of toys, hoping my parents would bring me here later.After finally dragging my body out of the shop, As I continued my way home. I passed a store that had close for years, yet there had never been any attempts to tear it down. When I finally made it home, I saw that neither my mother or father was home, but a note on a chair in the living room.


We are very sorry that we are not home with you on your seventh birthday. We both had to go somewhere and won't be back for a while. Your aunt will drop by to pick you up, and you will stay with her until we return.

Love from us both,

Mother & Father

I placed the letter back on the chair and walked to the kitchen. There was a sudden realization 

that neither of my parents has travelled for anything. I pushed that thought aside as I fell asleep.


I sat upon a black table covered in something warm; I lifted my hand to realize that the substance was blood. I got off the table and wiped my clothes when I saw that my clothes have changed. I also noticed that I was now roughly sixteen or seventeen. I stepped into the light to see what I was wearing. I was wearing a loose red shirt with a red and black corset, a pair of skinny black jeans, and black knee-high boots. I looked around to see where I was and saw nothing but a doorway.

As I made my way to the door, I see that it is open. As I sneak out, I take a look for an exit. As I start making my way down the hall, I pass a couple of other rooms. I hear screaming coming from some of them. As I made my way to the end of the hall, I see a door ajar with a soft light coming from within. Looking in, I see three figures. They were in a meeting. I leaned closer to the door to try and hear what they were discussing.

'Did you see the new one? She is perfect,' said a boy that looked no older than 14. He seemed to be very excited about this "new one." He seemed almost too eager.

'Yes, Alois I did, what is your plan, Claude?' said a man who was much older with blonde hair and wore all white

'We will use her to get his approval. We messed up the last time. We can not allow that to happen again,' said the second larger man. Whom I could only assume was Claude.

I continued on my way to find the exit when I found myself in a room. There was a group of people wearing masks. They seemed to be surrounding a table with a girl who looked like she was my age on it.

I stop there and watched as one of the men pulled out a knife and stabbed her chest. I gasped, watching the horror announcing my presence in the room, which made everyone look at me. I began to back away towards the door as the man pulled the knife out of the girl's chest. I felt the coldness of the wall hit my bare shoulders. I closed my eyes, waiting for something to happen when I heard the knife's sound hitting the floor. I open my eyes to see a man standing in front of me. I look around the room to see all the masked bodies on the floor. All I could do was stand there against the wall in shock, and I didn't care if the people were dead or not. All I wanted to know was who this man's infant of me was.

As if the man could read my mind, he turned around to face me. He gave a small smile that sent shivers down my spine. 

'You should be more careful, Miss Scarlet' His voice was that of an angel.

'Who are you? How do you know my name?' I asked, trying not to sound scared. The mystery man stood there and smiled at me.

'How improper of me; My name is...'

End of Dream~

I woke up to the sound of my aunt talking on the phone. I tried to make my way upstairs without her seeing me. I overheard her saying she would be staying until the preparations are complete. It has been roughly a month since my aunt showed up and since I have had that dream. One night my aunt had started was yelling at me for some reason unknown to me. When she had decided that she had seen enough of me, I decided to go to bed. As I walked into my room, I felt the eyre feeling that someone was watching me. Shrugging it off, I got under my covers wondering if I would see the mystery man in my dream.

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