Chapter 9

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Scarlett's POV~
I tried to move but soon found out that I was tied to the table, I open my eyes to realize that I was still under shock. I looked around and I was alone still hooked up into the machine. thinking that it was off, I tried to take off the things that where attached to my head. Shortly after I realized that it was still on and running full speed. as I laid on the table, I felt a sharp pain within my head. I did something I haven't done in a long time. I screamed.

Sebastian's POV~
I walk into the building and I was just shocked. so many people in pain, dying and these humans were only killing them faster. I started to walk up to one of the nurses when I heard someone scream. not knowing who or why, but I ran I ran to where the scream originated from. I found myself standing in front of a window that looked into a room with many wires. I found a young girl strapped onto the metal table and hooked up to machines around her. it seemed to be that the room she was in was soundproof and only I could hear her, I looked at her with pain in my eyes. that was when I realized who it was. I tried to open the door but I seemed to be locked. I broke the door down, that was the one thing I was hoping I didn't have to do and ran to her. I noticed that she was bleeding, I quickly removing her from the machines and table I picked her up and held her close. That is when i heard her say
"Asura, thank you"

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