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It's been a while
And the words are calling my name
It's been a while
And I'm still aching
Do I want you to see
What lies behind those gleaming eyes
What lurks behind the smile?
Do I want you to see the fresh tears
Sliding down my cheeks
Gliding past my jaw?
I want to keep them locked up
I want to keep them from you
But I start writing again
The words spill,
But the tears spill faster
How can it not be shared
How can it not be known.
Of course you'd never know I had been crying
Unless I told you
I still hold on.
I still feel the pain
All I'm doing is trying to get it off my chest
And I haven't written for a while
Writing always help
What came out of it made my smile
Show what pulls me down
Was it wrong of me
To speak behind ones back
Wrong of me to throw my tears around?
Was that what I was doing?
Parading around the pain I don't want you to see?
Is that what I am?
I let you know
Of the reasons for the tear stains
And now I should stop?
And let the pain crush me?

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