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It's already hard
To open up my eyes
Looking into a world so cruel
Yet you force me to watch as pain strikes my heart
And still you wonder how it came to this
But so do I
I'm screaming out
Screaming to be heard
And yet when one tried to listen
I have no words to share
It's already hard
To keep my eyes open
And yet you lay it on layer by layer,
How bad it is that I'm different
My voice rings out
Sharing the words of others
That speak my soul
Layer by layer it builds up
But layer by layer it chips away at me
It's already hard
To keep my eyes open,
When they're heavy
It's hard to keep things in
When they're banging on your chest
Wanting, and wishing to get out
But it's hard to let them
When on one will hear. . .
Not really anyways

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