But Still

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I can't write of the way
It feels to stand in a white Museum
In uptown new york
Filled with paintings that share my feelings but will never know me
Or how the subway leads me downtown
Far away from all those memories
I just can't get my mind to think like that
My words aren't that beautiful
But still you listen
To how I fail to explain how the rain really feels
How it's taste intoxicates me with the past
Or how the sun, so hot
Makes my skin tight and uncomfortable
Much like how some people can make my throat grow raw as I want to scream
I can't quite seem to put it together the right way
But still you watch
I try to explain the pain I've been thought
And how each tear is a moment I can never forget
And how I hope one day I have an impact on those who need it
I just can't seem to get it right
How love is a puzzle
And just when you think
You've found a match
Somehow they don't fit together
But still you read
Even when my words make no sense
And I, myself, am lost of the point
Still you say my words are important
But I've never before been of importance
How can it be true
When I can't ever write of the way
I feel completely and utterly the way they want me to

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