Angel Or Demon?

25 4 1

Angel or demon?
What am I?
I always ask myself
Am I an angel
Or demon?
I'd like to be able to say
I'm an angel
And that I can help
But I can't.
So am I a demon?
Even when I think I'm helping
Am I making things worse?
I don't know how to call myself human
When I eat very little
Like a bird
Most birds have black eyes
But some have white fethers
So am I a demon
Or an angel?
I have trouble
Classifying myself as human
When I drink very little
So is the water I do drink
That of the devil
Or an angel?
What am I?
I have a struggle
Saying I'm human
When I hardly sleep
Am I awake to help
Or to sulk in the darkness
Until I can destroy?
Am I an angel
Or a demon?

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