Saturday January 3rd 2015

236 16 1

Harry added Liam,Niall,Louis and Lottie.

Harry:hello lovely people

Louis:aye was up bitches

Niall:the fork

Liam:no Niall no

Niall:stfu Liam let me live

Lottie:white bread go back in your box

Niall:why is everyone harassing me damn

Louis:because no one likes you Neil


Niall:you know what

Obama:what white trash?

Niall:fuck you guys

Harry:watch your profanity


Liam:Harold you shouldn't be fucking talking

Obama added Zayn

Zayn:wtf Liam you shouldn't be talking

Liam:well I'm fucking not

Zayn:good then Lima

Louis:bitch the fuck are you doing here?

Lottie:boy bye

Obama:shut up Tomlinsons leave my daddy alone

Zayn:ew you crusty piece of shit

Obama:I love you zaynie

Zayn has removed Obama from the chat

Lottie:good that hoes gone

Louis:and that's why I love you

Lottie:bitch you fucking told mum that I'm the one who broke the Telly.

Louis:what your supposed to be my partner in crime

Lottie:bitch partner my ass the fork

Niall:hey the fork is my thing

Lottie:bitch shut your box ass bread ass box up

Harry:hold on a minute 2 things Lottie

Lottie: what Harold

Harry: ok one he said he was gunna go chill in a box he isn't the box and two wtf the fuck is box up like bitch

Liam:what the fuck happened to 'watch your profanity'

Harry: Liam that was like 5 minutes ago stop living in the past

Liam:I'm going to beat your frog ass

Louis:leave my baby alone.....Lima

Obama:what the fuck Lewis he's mine

Louis:turn on your location You cocoa puff

Harry has removed Obama from the group chat

Harry:I had to get rid of him before it got ugly

Louis:I'm going to find him and...

Liam: and do what tickle him to death

Lottie:exactly Lou I'm sorry but your not scary

Louis:wow guys always doubting me

Niall:you are scary Louis

Louis:you think I'm scary Neil?

Niall:yeah when you look in the mirror it cracks

Zayn:aw Bruh that's a good one



Louis:that hurt

Harry:don't be mean to my loubear

Trump: HAHAHA the fork

Niall: -_-

Trump: ._.

Zayn has removed Trump from the chat

Liam: damn Zayn your on a roll today

Zayn: hehe

Obama: I'm back bitches

Liam: hey Lou you might not be able to fight but u can roast that bitch

Harry: ooooh shiz I smell roast

Louis: ok guys I got this BOOOOY YOUR HAIRLINE

Obama: is what better than yours

Liam and Niall has left the chat


Louis: what Obama is it because I'm black

Obama: shut up little Teletubby

Harry: oh shit Lou u got this

Louis: At least I can sing

Obama: when there's auto tune

Harry has left the chat

Zayn has left the chat

Lottie: Omg I missed a lot

Lottie has left the chat

Louis: I will be back for u cocoa

Louis has left the chat

Obama: hehe

Obama has left the chat

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