Monday January 5th 2015

136 12 2

Harry has added Louis,Niall,Liam, Zayn and Gemma.

Harry:hey hoes

Louis:BOI go somewhere


Louis:zen I swear i will cut off your dick and feed you it so stfu

Niall: hey

Obama:leave my daddy alone

Liam:drink bleach Obama

Obama:well hello to you too Lima

Gemma:why do you always add your self to these group chats?

Obama:I don't have anything better to do

Harry:aren't you president of the United fucking states

Obama:oh yeah true true

Louis:how do you fucking forget that?"

Obama:stfu Lewis don't act like you didn't forget Freddie at Mcdonalds

Louis:ok I didn't forget him I just simply didn't remember I had a child with me

Harry:how do you fucking forget a child?

Niall: hey

Liam:shut up frog you just said not even 24 hours ago to watch our profanities

Harry:God Liam always living in the past

Liam:I will beat your frog ass

Harry:fuck you

Liam:sure what time? ;)

Louis:boiiiiii back up

Obama:fight me Lewis

Niall: hey

Louis:shitttt I'm down

Obama:I was kidding

Louis: i fucking wasn't lets go cocoa puff

Liam:louist91 sit your big ass down we all know you can't fight

Louis:yes i fucking can


Niall:I smell bullshitttttttt


Louis:Gemma wtf just last weekend we went shopping together

Gemma:we just went into the vans store and left.....THE FORK

Louis:that still counts as shopping hoe

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