Me & You Could Stand the Test of Time

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Episode 11

Mud Room

Mitch is the only one to go to the mud room. He doesn't mind though! He enjoyed occasional alone time, especially wth how much time The Whole band Spends Together.

The room has a beautiful bay window at one end overlooking the stunning jungle. There were several small baths to choose from, and a wall of showers to rinse off the mud.

"Welcome," a voice stated. "Please, make your way into one of our mud baths. This mud has some of the rarest nutrients on earth, coming from the jungle with minerals from volcanic rock and ash. We at the Rose Gold Spa trust you will enjoy this experience. Thank you."

"Hello?" Mitch asks, looking around There was no one there It must have come from a speaker Like an automated system or something....

Mitch walks over to one of the muddy holes in the ground. Next to it is a remote control looking thing.

"You will see next to you our mobile control panel," the voice began again. "If you need specific instruction on any features, press the red HELP button at the bottom of the panel and then press the button about which you would like to learn more."

Mitch looked closer at the panel. There were buttons for mud temperature, there are buttons for music (one saying RADIO, the other reading NATURE). there are a few more buttons that don't necessarily seem important right now, so he decided not to bother for a while.

Curious, Mitch slected NATURE. Suddenly, the bay window opened to reveal a screen. Beautiful bird sounds flooded the room, echoing off the wall. A beautiful simfony of sounds fill mitch's ear drums. 

"Oh, fuc*k yes." mitch stepped into the mud bath, sat down, and closes his eyes.

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