12- Before Christmas

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I get pushed down by him.

His lips taste like strawberry. "Shall we get started?"

"Wh-Wha-What?!" I blushed. "N-N-N-No!"

"I'll take that as a yes." His deep voice comes into a whisper. He lays it on me.


Before December...

"Ahh...I can't believe break is coming back." Hidemi stretches. "It's so cold!!"

He's wrapped up in a blanket. "Hey, Hyun Oh~"

"No," I answered. I'm in bed. I hate the cold season. I HATE IT.

"Hyun Oh, do you mind to share?"

"Share what?" I looked at him.

"Geez, don't glare at me." He chuckles and starts to walk over. "Do you want to go out?"

I shook my head, "I'm cold and I don't want to..."

Hidemi sighs, "Why are you so grumpy..."

Because I'm cold.

I groaned and turn myself around.

"Are you on your period?"

"SHUT UP!!" 


Within a few hours, he came back with a box wrapped up.

"Who's that for?" I questioned.

Hidemi sighs and shives, "It's for Hona...I think you met her before." He yawns, "Just bought her new hairbands and other things to keep her hair long..."

I nod. "Okay...?"

Hidemi looks at me, "So...still grumpy?"

"It's cold..." I pout, "Why do you keep making fun of me...?"

"You're just that easy." Hidemi chuckles, "Oh, do you want to come with me to a party?"


"Why not?!" He gets close to the bed and kneels. "Pleaseeee!!"



"What kind of party is this...?" I questioned and looked at him.

Hidemi thinks, "It's actually a birthday party for Hona...that's why I went out and bought her gift. It's just gonna be a few friends, I guess..."

I sigh, "I guess I'll come..."

"Yeeaaahhh!" He falls on the floor. "OOOOooooooooohhhhh~ The floor is nice..."

"What the--??"


A few days later...

"Hidemi, I already told you. It's not a party, I don't like having birthday parties anymore..." Hona sighed. "Good to see you, though."

"Yeah, good to see you, too." Hidemi groans and crosses his arms. "WELP, HERE'S YOUR GIFT."

"THANKS." Hona and Hidemi and sarcastically playing along.

Hona closes the door.

I sigh, "I'm going to go home..."

Hidemi shook his head, "No, let's just spend the day with hot cocoa..."

"Hot cocoa?"


"Hot. Co-Coa?"


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