Pretty Boy

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"You look beautiful, Your Highness."

I was finishing up Queen Serenity's hair and makeup for her party that night. Not gonna lie, I'm kind of a pro at cosmetology.

"Thank you, dear. Your work is always appreciated. Why don't you take a break and have some time to yourself before the guests arrive? I insist."

"Thank you, Your Highness." I bowed and went out back into the gated garden.

I stared at the fountain for a while, listening to the splashing of the thin waterfall. Eventually I sat down on the edge of it and looked out at the sky. It had been a week since that uncomfortable date with Adonis, and I had forgiven Serenity, though we still hadn't spoken since then.

It was really beautiful outside that night, and I would've loved to just stay out there the whole evening, but my presence was required at this party. The queen invited numerous kingdoms from different planets to attend. It would be a full house of royalty. Kings and queens, princes and princesses, and all of their main warriors.

I started to hear noise inside, which meant it was time to head in and be prepared to go into hospitality mode. The queen insisted that we guardians should just focus on having fun and enjoying ourselves, but I was in the habit of attending to guests' needs and running around as the planner of most events that took place at the palace. I was comfortable in that role. So I spent some time making sure everything was in order, but after a while I kind of just felt like being antisocial for once and avoiding people. I found Mercury at a table, eating Jupiter's appetizers and holding her current book.

"Hey. Still reading The Reason?" I sat down and started pouring a glass.

"Yes, I simply cannot put it down. It's phenomenal. Lacey Sturm is amazing. Have you finished it yet?"

"No, not yet. I've been trying to, but I keep getting... interrupted. But I guess it's good to savor it too."

"That's true. I could read about her testimony all day."

"Same. Hey, do you know any of these people, other than the ones from your planet's kingdom? I swear I've never seen any of them before."

"I can't say that I have either. I don't even think I've ever met anyone from Endymion's palace other than Endymion himself, so I wouldn't be able to even point them out."

"Neither could I. It honestly feels kind of awkward to me, with everyone from my planet watching me and knowing what happened with Adonis, and Princess Serenity and I haven't been on the greatest of terms since then. If you don't mind, I'll probably just hang here with you the rest of the night."

"That's perfectly fine with me."

"Sweet. I'm going to go grab some food. I'll be back."

The food table was surprisingly empty. Jupiter's quiche is the absolute BEST, and had just been brought out so it was still fresh. I didn't even want to grab a plate. I just started eating right there. I don't know most of these people, so who cares what they think, right? Meh. I decided to slow down. I poured a glass of punch, and mid-sip I turned my head and saw a tall, silver-haired man standing there next to me.

I sort of jumped in shock of the sudden presence there and almost started choking on punch.

"Gosh! You're like Ruth Gordon, just standing there with a tannis root. Make a noise!" [1]

"A reference to an excellent film," the man said. "I did not mean to startle you."

"Right. I'm just-"

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