The Day You Went Away

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Rewind to a previous chapter... *cues sound effect*

"Come with me, Beryl. We have work to do."

"As you wish, Kunzite."

He gave her the rundown of their structure and how they do their training. Beryl was to be a commander of equal status to Kunzite, according to Endymion. They trained their soldiers for 15 straight hours before calling it a day.


It is said that the most destructive lies often start out as the most beautiful ones. That false prophets, false teachers and other deceivers alike often don't appear as such when they come, but rather appear to be beautiful, honest and trustworthy. Those people will gain the trust of others and lead them to destruction. This would soon become the fate of the Earth, the moon, and all of the star-crossed lovers.


"I'd say that was a pretty successful day," Beryl said as they chugged their water down in the break room.

"It certainly was. I was very impressed with your leadership skills," Kunzite replied.

"Ten years of experience will do that for a person."

"I can attest."

"So, same drill tomorrow?"

"Perhaps. I may leave you in charge for a while. I need to spend some time with my girlfriend. I have not been able to see her much since this all started."

"What? You can't do that!"

"And why is that?"

"We need you here! This is urgent business. You can't let your girlfriend be a distraction."

"With all due respect, Beryl, it is not your place to tell me what I can and cannot do."

She sighed condescendingly and set the water jug down. "Look... you respect me, right? You said it yourself. So listen to what I'm about to say: I think that girl is just using you."

This immediately infuriated him. "You have some nerve! You dare speak such things about someone you have never even met?!"

"Oh, I know who she is. Venus from Magellan, right? I was there when she exploded in front of you and Karla at the prince's garden party. I saw the whole thing go down. And I also saw the little catfights between those two girls before you started dating her."

"Your point?"

"Don't you see? Venus is only dating you to piss off Karla and to get revenge on her for the way she treated her. It's just a game."

"You're out of your mind. I will hear no more of this."

He headed for the door but she kept talking.

"Think about it. Venus basically stole you away from her, causing that scene and making you feel like you had to break up with Karla, or at least giving you an excuse to. She never said anything romantic like that to you before she met Karla, and she could've done it more privately, instead of right in front of your girlfriend. She knew that would piss her off like nothing else would. She's using you. That's the only reason she's with you."

Kunzite mustered up all the composure he had left.

"You're simply looking for excuses for me to stay here instead of spending time with her. It won't work. Now if you'll kindly excuse me, I'm going to bed. You will be out front at 6 a.m. sharp tomorrow. That's an order.

Shades of Purpleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें