Do You Know What You Want

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"Hey everyone! I would like to introduce you to someone. This is Nephrite."

Jupiter brought her mystery man out into the garden where she called us all to meet.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you all." He bowed humbly. "Jupiter has told me many great things about you."

"So this is the guy you've been hiding from us!" Princess Serenity shamelessly blurted out.

"We wanted to both be sure that we wanted to pursue this relationship before we made it public," Jupiter explained.

"It is good to finally meet you in person," Mercury said. "You seem to make our friend here very happy."

"This little lady means the world to me." He wrapped an arm around her. "Making her happy is one of my missions in life."

"So, what's your story?" I asked. "How did you guys meet?"

"Well, to tell the truth..." Jupiter began to blush slightly as she looked up at him and back at us. "I didn't like him at all when we met. We just seemed like two completely different people who wouldn't get along. This was one of the times I went to Earth to pick up Serenity. But the next time I went, there he was again. And he was just so charming and I could tell he was interested in me. And it turned out we actually have a lot of common interests, like stargazing and martial arts. And not to mention, he enjoys my cooking like no other."

I felt my heart shake a little bit. She disliked him at first? Thought they'd never work? That sounds a little familiar...


The gathering died down and people started to go back to whatever they were doing. However, Jupiter and Nephrite decided to hang longer and finish the remaining tea, and invited me to join them. Since I didn't have anything else going on that day, I decided to accept the offer. Artemis hung out too, and was surprisingly quiet. I was just interested in getting to know this guy a little more. Also, he's one of Kunzite's closest friends, right...?

*Shameful mental facepalm*

"So, what do you do for a living, Nephrite?" I asked.

"My role is to protect my prince and our kingdom. Kunzite is our leading officer, but it is the duty of all four of us generals to ensure our prince's safety at all times and to serve him in any way that he needs or requests."

"Sounds exactly like what we do for our princess here. I guess that's another thing you two have in common."

He looked at Jupiter lovingly and locked hands with her. "This pretty thing would captivate me every moment even if we had nothing in common at all." He paused for a second and looked a little sad. "I only wish Kunzite could be happy like I am..."

"Wait what? What do you mean?" My eyes widened with intrigue.

"His psycho girlfriend, Karla. She's been around a lot more lately. They have been together for two years, but that woman is CRAZY and treats him and everyone else like trash."

I felt my heart sink into an abyss and shatter when it hit the bottom.

He... he has a girlfriend? But... that doesn't make any sense. He seemed so into me. Was he just using me?

"I just met her today," Jupiter added. "He's not exaggerating."

"Well... why does he stay with her if she's so horrible?" I managed.

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