Intro: Part 2

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(Sammy pov) (1345 words)

"I'd like to apologies on my sisters behalf...", Jax said as calmly as possible in this situation; not only is he super protective but he, and I, have major anger issues. "Please do not worry it is no problem... But I believe I owe your sister an apology as well as my thanks.", the chocolate god said back to Jax in a calm voice with and apologetic expression on his face as he spoke.

'Adam do something', I whispered to him desperately not wanting either of them to get hurt. Adam looked at me and nodded before walking over to Jax and patting him on the back. "Well I guess were both at fault in some way then...", Adam said light heartedly, while giving a closed eyed smile, trying to lighten the mood.

Ethan and Oz walked over to me as Adam spoke and looked me over. "Damn, you god a mean ole nose bleed didn't cha Sammy...", Ethan said in a teasing manner while giving me a smirk. "Shut up", I mumbled angrily under my breath while pouting. Ethan chuckled as I spit out blood again and began trying to wipe blood off of my face again; causing the attention to be put on me again.

"Jax", Oz called to Jax in a worried tone as he looked at my shoulder; and that's when I felt the pain again. Jax, Adam, and the chocolate god quickly ran over to me noticing my painful facial expression. "Look", Oz said as he moved the collar of my flannel back until my shoulder could be slightly visible.

"What the fuck...", Ethan whispered in disbelief as he looked at my shoulder. Everyone seemed to be wearing the same expression, a mixture of shock and worry. "... What...", I asked confused as I looked between everyone's faces for some kind of answer.

"I think I'm gonna be sick...", Ethan said before putting a hand over his mouth and walking away with Oz in tow. "Adam help me take off her shirt", Jax said not taking his eyes off of my left shoulder. Adam nodded before helping Jax slowly and skillfully remove my flannel being careful not to expose my folded wings tucked underneath.

Now having a full view of my shoulder they gazed at it before Jax let out a tsk of annoyance. I looked over and saw the problem my whole shoulder was covered in a large purple, blur, and black bruise going all around my shoulder... It was messed up...

I looked at Jax and he seemed to be having an internal battle with himself and I knew exactly why. He knew I was going to need medical help for this but if I did get medical help we ran the risk of me being put in a foster home and my 'special' abilities being found out.

Adam gave Jax a knowing look, one I didn't understand, before Jax sighed and gently took a hold of my upper arm while Adam wrapped one arm firmly around my waist and the other holding my right shoulder. My body was up strait and was being so firmly held that I couldn't move.

Jax looked at Adam, "On the count of three...", he said and Adam nodded. "One", Jax said and got in a ready position; "What are you doing", I asked in a panicked tone. "Two...", Adam said monotone as he tightened his grip. "Jax..", I said in a warning tone.

Two tingly rough hands grabbed the sides of my face and forced me to look up. "Keep your eyes on me klein duif", the chocolate man said in his rich African accent. It was almost as if he put me under a spell, he put me in this dazed trance that made me numb to everything else around me.

So numb in-fact that I almost didn't feel the pain that exploded through my shoulder the moment I heard a muffled... "3!!!".

The pain was indescribable... Literally... I can't describe it... cause I kinda... passed out... Yeah...

But when I did wake up I could feel the throbbing pain in my left shoulder causing me to let out a groan of pain. I judging from the hard wood floor I was laying on and the familiar smell of ashes I was home... I laid on the floor a little longer just trying to keep my breath even before realizing that I felt a cold numbing feeling on my shoulder.

I finally opened my eyes and looked at my shoulder that was surprisingly wrapped, slinged, and covered in ice. I let out a huff and used my right arm to help me sit up causing the blankets that were covering me to fall down to reveal that I was in nothing but a black sports bra and black sweats.

I removed the rest of the blanket and stood up not even caring about the fact that the ice packs fell causing a loud thud to echo through the house. There was an awkward silence before thundering footsteps could be heard bounding up the steps of my 'home'.

knowing exactly who it was I just stood in the middle of my 'room' and waited for them to burst through the door, and boy did they... Jax nearly knocked the door off its hinges with the amount of force he used to open it. "jeez relax... its only me", I said in an annoyed tone as I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

Jax let out a sigh of relief before calmly walking over to me and giving me a tight hug carful not to hurt my already throbbing shoulder. "Thank god you're ok...", he said as he releaced me from the hug. "You didn't really think I'd go down that easy did you... I still have shit to fuck up", I said jokingly with a light smile playing at my lips.

I then heard a deep chuckle that caused a weird feeling deep within my core, "I would have never expected such foul words to leave such beautiful lips... You leave me at a loss for words klein duif...", my hot piece of dark chocolate said in a playful and husky tone; his accent made my body light with flames every time he spoke.

Almost as if he knew that he was effecting me he let out another deep chuckle before walking over to me, his eyes never leaving mine. By this time Jax was being dragged away by Oz, Ethan, and Adam, while yelling curses at my chocolate thunder... Man I really need to learn his name...

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is T'Challa klein duif...", He said as he gently caressed my cheek causing me to absentmindedly lean in and sigh with content.

...T'Challa... The name oddly fit him and made him even sexier than he already was. "...T'Challa...", I said quietly testing out his name which seemed to roll off the tongue. His dark chocolate eyes seemed hazed as I said his name.

He gently but firmly grabbed me by the waist and pulled me so that there was no space in between us. Every place our skin came in contact with each other I felt such a pleasurable desire deep within.

He nudged his face in the crook of my neck and whispered huskily, "you make a name as pitiful, unworthy, and ordinary as mine sound like it was created for a god... and said by an angelic goddess...".

This man... This god of a man is going to be the death of me... "Although it wouldn't really matter to me or change my thoughts about you what might your name be Klein duif...", he said in his rich African accent...

I didn't even realize I was slightly panting until I tried to speak. It took me a few moments but I finally managed out, "S-Samantha... B-But I g-go b-by Sammy..."


Sorry its short... the next one will be longer...

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