Those Two Simple Words Just Made My Day...

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{Sammy pov} (3406 Words)

"Can I leave now...", I asked in an irritated tone, towards the blond woman that has checked me over for the millionth time now. I was seated on the edge of the surprisingly soft hospital bed in a pair of black ripped pants, black knitted long sleeve, grey hoodie, black jacket, and my grey and black converse.


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"...Yes, I just need someone to sign you out...", the woman said kindly as she smiled at me. '...Fuck...', I thought as I looked down at the floor. ' ...who am I supposed to ca-' , I began to think before my thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice. "I'm here to sign her out", Nat's calm voice rang thought the room causing to lift my head and look towards the open door where Nat stood

"Oh, ok. sign here please", the blond woman said in a thick accent as she handed Nat the sign out forms. "Ok lets go", Nat said quickly as she handed the blond woman the papers and walked out.

I jumped off the bed and followed shortly behind her as we quickly walked, well she walked I sort of limped, down the hall and towards the elevator. "What was the damage...", Nat as we went down the elevator. "... Four bullet wounds right shoulder, right hip, left calf, and the bullet in the side was the cause of the hospital visit", I said sourly towards the end.


"The norm, saving kids from raining bullets..."

"That's not what I'm talking about..."


"...Do you realize how disappointed Tony and Steve are going to be when they find out..."

"You were doing so well... you were clean for a month... Why?"

"...I let them get to me... I broke ok. This isn't fucking easy for me!... And no one was there so drop it..."

"...Y-You do realize that because of what you did you are now a criminal..."

"...Yup, and I don't regret a thing...", I replied coldly as the elevator doors opened and I walked out and passed the lobby and through the revolving doors only to have several guns pointed at my face.

"...Wow all of this for me... you shouldn't have", I said with a smirk on my lips as I put my hand up. I felt Nat's presence next to me and as I looked over I managed to see her nod at the several armed men causing them to put there guns down.

Nat got a hold of my upper arm and dragged me to a black van and sat me down in the back seat before speaking sternly, "These men are going to escort you take you to where we have Steve, Tony, Sam, and Aasim... Don't cause any trouble".

"No promises", I said as I slouched in my seat and slightly opened my wings in hopes that the tenseness would leave them. Nat sighed before closing the door, and with that we were off. I closed my eyes the rest of the way to, where ever it was I was going, and also trying to ignore the familiar throb of need in my arms and thighs.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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