Its all my fault...

436 11 3

{Sammy pov}        (3480 Words)

[Trigger Warning]

A few hours later I heard a light purring sound from beside me, and I felt warm heat on my back that felt really good against the coldness of my room. I tiredly opened my eyes and painfully turned over in my bed, still sore from the flight over, only to get a lick to my face.

"Aasim! Come on... get off!", I grunted out as I tried to push my 160 pound black panther that my dad had let me adopt after learning about my fascination with them. Pops was against it in an instant but after several hours of begging, and promises to clean up after it and feed it, I finally got my baby Aasim.

Aasim let out a playful growl before laying his full body weight on me. "Aasim... I don't want to play right now...", I managed out as the air slowly began to run out of my lungs. He let out a humph of sarcastic sadness before getting off of me.

I took in a deep breath of air and I began to pant and gasp for air dramatically. Aasim rolled his eyes and began to rub his face up against mine while purring. "I know. I know... I missed you too...", I said softly as I gently ran my finger through his soft fur.

I remember when the day I first got him; it was two weeks after the accident. Dad had flown Pops and I out to an animal rescue in china...


"So are you excited for your surprise?", dad asked as we walked into the animal rescue center. the walls were painted with beautiful intraket designs but the recurring color I noticed the most was green.

"YES!!!... So I can choose what ever animal I want?", I questioned as I looked up at him a bright smile plastered on my face. "Yes you can choose what ever you want...", Tony said with a happy and satisfied smile on his face.

Pops on the other hand wasn't too happy; because he knew that I would pick the most abnormal and unique pet to have in the world. "Tony don't you think we should lay down some rules first...?"Pops asked when he noticed the mischievous glint in my eyes.

"...Fine... No fish, snakes, rats, spiders, or lizards", Tony said quickly with a closed eye smile. "Yesssssss...", I said and ran ahead towards the dog portion of the rescue center. I couldn't help but aww at all of the cute different breeds of dogs and cats, but non of them seemed to catch my eyes.

I felt a presence beside me but I knew right away that it was pops. "What about that one...", he said as he pointed to a beautiful blue eyed golden retriever puppy, and just like all of the other animals in the room he walked right up to the cage door and happily wagged his tail.  

"Maybe...", I said as I looked to Steve with a smile before I began to wander off to look at the other pets. I didn't realize I had wandered that far into the cat section until I only passed by mostly empty cages.

I sighed in defeat when I realized that I didn't find a pet that sparked my interest and the one I did want a little, a feral full grown Wolf, dad and pops wouldn't let me get. I was considering just getting the golden retriever when I heard a small growl come from the end of the hall.

I looked over to where I thought I had heard the sound and began to walk the opposite direction, and back to Tony and Steve, thinking that it was just my imagination, but them I heard that same growl again.

I stopped in my tracks and looked back down the corridor before deciding to check it out; I mean after all, what could happen? I began to slow my walk when I noticed the usual fence cages turned into glass cages.

I came to a stop at the last cage and to my disappointment it was empty. "I could have sworn I heard something...", I said to myself before I opened the cage and walked inside. It was a white walled room that had two bowls that were full of what looked like raw meat in one and water in the other.

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