smh @ america

58 10 16

 i wasn't originally going to talk about this but with a new detail added i kind of feel obligated too

so first off, the orlando shooting was just plain awful, it being the largest mass shooting in america and it being 2016 is disgusting

the fact it was in a lgbtq+ bar (or gay bar, it was never specified for me) makes me ill

its so close to the one year celebration of same-sex marriage being legal nation wide in america and the shooting just makes me feel like they've been set back a few years

take it as you will but this was a hate crime

probably one of the worst hate crimes i've ever heard of

something like this happening just makes lgbtq+ people feel scared to leave the house, maybe thats being dramatic but still

if lgbtq+ people can't even feel safe going for a night out just for fun to enjoy themselves then i honestly have no words

and the fact that so many people died and they were all so young

it just really fucking sucks

smh @ you america

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