band practice ffs

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im so fucking tired

i fell asleep around 6 and had to get up for 9;30 to go in for band practice for graduation tonight 

we're playing a bunch of songs i barely know how to play so i have a shit ton of practicing to do for tonight

on the bright side maddie will be there so i won't have to handle all the trumpet work

but shit man the high notes in ode to joy is bond to cut off my breathing supply 

its not that i cant do them its that its hard to get them exactly right

also id like to take a moment to appreciate zach omf

he's such an incredible saxophone player and he's super easy to be around

he has a highkey attitude and he's super sassy but it works for him and i kinda feel less nervous being the band when he's there because he just kinda, breaks the ice i guess

same goes adam, he's honestly the nicest person ive ever met irl

i don't feel like im going to die when they're there so yes v much appreciation for the band boys

adam also plays saxophone but his is a baritone while zach's is an alto

you have no idea how much i love the band instruments because they're all the same but all different

like for example, if you can play the clarinet then you can play saxophone and if you play trumpet you can play the tuba

and they can all sound the same

like i sit next to zach in the band lineup and when we're playing i swear on my life if i closed my eyes id guess he's playing the trumpet

gAHHH they sound really good, okay?

rip my sleep tho

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