just canadian things

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since its canada day im literally going to write down a bunch of random canadian things because canada is the best smd


acadian - proper term for french canadian

poutine - the best food to ever exist (its french fries, cheese and gravy)

homo milk - another name for homogenized milk

lacrosse - a sport created by canada, its like the sport with the long stick with a net basket thingy in it

newfie - a term for newfoundlanders

province - my province would be your state

territory - its like a province but not a province

double double - its a coffee order meaning two sugars and two creams 

tim hortons - its a coffee shop found all across canada, in a way its kinda like a canadian starbucks

prime minister - my prime minister would be your presidents

rapure pie - its an acadian dish, its basically purred potatoes with some type of meat thats cooked in the oven, its hard to explain but it tastes p good

kraft dinner - its basically noodles and cheese

mr.noodles - basically canadian ramen

remembrance day - november 11th, a day for the war veterans i guess

rcmp - it stands for the royal canadian mounted police, i guess its kinda like the fbi

mountie - a name for a member of the rcmp

coffee crisp - a chocolate bar

smarties - okay i know americans have something called smarties but its not the same as what we have, smarties here a chocolate covered in a candy shell, they look like this ;

smarties - okay i know americans have something called smarties but its not the same as what we have, smarties here a chocolate covered in a candy shell, they look like this ;

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rockets - american smarties are canadian rockets

martimer - a person who lives in one of the maritime provinces, aka nova scotia, new brunswick and PEI

aLSo heres some basic canadian knowledge for you

birthday ; july 1st

national anthem ; o canada

national languages ; english and french

national sport - okay so the official national sport is hockey but canada also made lacrosse and basketball

capital - the capital of canada is OTTAWA not TORONTO its OTTAWA

national animal - surprisingly the beaver 

bags of milk do actually exist

every province and territory has a slight accent but the ones that are really noticeable are acadians and newfoundlanders

we have 10 provinces and 3 territories

provinces ; alberta, british columbia, manitoba, new brunswick, newfoundland and labrador, nova scotia, ontario, prince edward island/PEI, quebec, and saskatchewan

the 3 territories are ; nunavet, yukon and the northwest territories

how we spell shit ;

colour not color

favourite not favorite 

behaviour not behavior 

brunette not brunet 

cancelled not canceled

centre not center

 centimetre not centimeter

cheque not check

you get the idea

a lot of words where theres an 'o' we put 'ou' and a lot of words where its 'er' we put 're'

where you put 'z' we put a 's' (ex. analyse vs analyze)

we also add an 'e' sometimes like you spell it catalog we spell it catalogue

we dont say eh every fucking sentence

most people don't even use it correctly

eh is another word for 'huh' , 'what do you mean' , 'do you agree with me'

opps thats all i have

yeah this was basically 'how to be a canadian'

gotta blast

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