school system

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im going to explain my school system + french so people can stop being confused

for my school system its exactly how it sounds, im explaining MY school so this does not apply to all of canada

anywho for starters theres preschool

you can start this at age 3(?) and its literally as the title says, its PREschool

in my preschool all you did was eat, sleep, and play

once you're five you go into elementary school (btw preschool is optional)

there you start in primary/grade primary and my elementary school holds grades primary to 6

once you graduate from grade 6 you go to the highschool which holds grades 7-12

in grades 7-8 you're still considered to be in junior high but all the grades are in the same building so we call it highschool

when you're in grade 8 you need to take provincal assessments and once you've reached grade 9 you need to start taking exams

also grades 7-8 use the term system, so three terms, three report cards while the senior high (9-12) uses semesters, 2 semesters, 2 exam weeks, 2 report cards

also i'd like to point out school starts at 9;22 am and the dismissal bell rings at 3;20 pm

i have five periods a day so, 2 one hour classes in the morning, a 9 minute break, another 1 hour class, approximately a 40 minute lunch then 2 more hour long periods and then we go home

we also have a 'day' system, so like day A through D and the day it is determines which classes we have and when

opps thats probably confusing

now to explain french immersion

since french is one of canada's national languages we have to start taking french classes in grade 4 and you can stop after grade 9


you do have the option to take french immersion classes which starts in grade primary and all your classes are in french and you're constantly surrounded by french

because of the french option we have 3 classes per grade

2 english classes and 1 french

ya get the idea?

(btw immersion applys to all canadian schools)

(at least to my knowledge)

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