Fandoms: The worlds last hope

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So, unless you live in Tartarus like my great grandfather, you know what happened six months ago... but for the sake of those who don't, I'll start at the beginning.


"Now, students, we have a new student joining us today, please treat him properly." Mr. Hoagland said, before writing our assignment on the board.

Jakayla smirked at me."Too bad it's not going to be Nico. " She teased.

" Oh, come on, you wish it was Leo." I say back, laughing.

"All right, you miscreants, I have to go. The basketball team has a game in Salt Lake City. Behave until the bell rings. " Mr. Hoagland calls as he walks out. Two seconds later, a boy dressed in an army fatigue jacket , red T-shirt, and jeans walks in. Jakayla gasps and clutches my arm. " Aubrey???? that...Leo?" She whispers, a mix of panic and awe in her eyes.

As if the gods heard her, the boy speaks." Hi. I'm Leo. Leo Valdez. I'm new here."

The other kids mutter a reply. Jakayla starts hyperventilating. I smack her hand and say calmly

"Hey, Leo, you can sit here! "

Leo smiles, and I momentarily lose focus. Dumb ADHD.

He looks like the Leo from Heroes of Olympus, but....

He slides into the seat next to me, and I instantly feel warmer. Leo smells like a fire... but in a good way....

"Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm from New York, pretty far from Utah. What town is this?" Leo says, smiling at Jakayla, who whimpers and tries to hide behind me.

"Junction. About as rural as you can get, huh? Welcome to Paiute County. " I reply.

"So, Leo, nice tool belt. Where'd you get it?" Jakayla blurts, looking at me like " it's really HIM".

Leo smirks and chuckles.

"My dad. He's kinda a great mechanic. You might say legendary."

"Cool. " I say, and as the bell rings, Jakayla drags me into the girls bathroom.

"Bree, it's him! What is going on, Apollo girl? " She demands, glaring at me.

I glare back.

"Like I know?! My gift of prophecy hasn't come yet! Besides, you're the Athena child, what's your theory? " I snap back, not caring if anyone else hears.

"I don't know, maybe Hecate combined fictional world's with ours through a spell? Like Ink heart? Maybe someone is a Silver tongue! " Jakayla muses, her hazel eyes turning gray. They do that when she's worried.

"If that's true... we may have a problem. Leo's a powerful demigod. And if the magic made us demigods , too.... mega monster showdown. "

I say slowly, mentally wondering just how many fictional people are suddenly real. If all of them are real, our world is in trouble.

"We have a free period for the next three classes, right? " Jakayla asks, a smile appearing on her face.

"Um, yeah. Why? " I answer, half scared to hear her reply.

Jakayla only grins wider.

"We need to catch a plane..."


"Are you nuts?! We can't ditch school! I have theater today! I'm playing Christine! I will not give up my chance with the Phantom! And what about your dad? And my mom? They will freak! I don't want to be a missing poster! I'll never get to go to Julliard! How can we even get tickets? I'm not packed! All my books are at home!!! We can't-" Aubrey whines as I drag her to the office. Leo is there , too, getting a schedule for his classes. The secretary stares at me.

"Miss Millet? " She asks, keeping an eye on Leo.

"Family emergency! Bree's mom called, her dad's been in a horrible accident. We need to be excused. Bree's going to New York for awhile. So am I . I got accepted for an internship at the Museum of Natural

History. " I say smoothly, and just like I expected, Aubrey starts to cry- fake, but very convincing- and the secretary nods sympathetically.

"Okay, you can go. " She says softly.

The next thing I hear is Aubrey screaming. I follow her gaze and almost faint right there.

Walking toward the office is the Minotaur. It's huge, nearly too tall for the hallway. Leo curses beside me. "Damn, Percy killed it twice, and it still comes back...." he mutters.


A/N First chapter! comment for more! next chapter is harry potter!

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