Under His Charm;)

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(Okay, so I wasn't planning on doing another Harry Potter chapter... but i got a request... so... deal with the Ginger Chaos)

George's POV

I wasn't planning on doing it, really.  It was just... I couldn't believe that my twin could be gone. So- and I know this will make me seem like an awful bloke- when everyone else left the Great Hall..... I grabbed Fred , snuck outside, and Apparated.

I had no location in mind, I just wanted to get far away from all the chaos at Hogwarts, somewhere safe. 

When we landed in a cemetary, I was a bit stunned. 

"You all right? " I ask, staring at Ravena. She's pretty. Long, purple hair with a streak of black, blue eyes,  and perfect skin. 

She stares at me, an odd look on her face- somewhere between disblief and astonishment, awe and fear. 

"Yeah... I just never thought  I'd meet you. " She says, smiling.

"Why? Am I famous or something? "

"Sort of...." she mutters, reaching into her bookbag and looking nervous.

"George... you may not believe me... but... erm..." 

A boy wanders over. He looks just like Ravena, only, you know, a guy. And his black hair has a red streak in it.  He has a devilish smirk, but it vanishes when he sees me. 

"Rave, uh, why is a ficitonal character here?" He asks, gazing wildly around, as though expecting an attack.

"Fictional?" I say, laughing. This is a brilliant prank. 

Ravena sighs, glaring at the boy. "Hawk, you may be my twin, but clearly intelligence is not a shared trait." 

The boy pouts. "Hawk? My name is Hawthorne. Hawthorne Nathaniel Blackstone. And I am so intelligent! I was the one who figured out the big secret in the sixth book! " 

Ravena shakes her head at him. "As I was saying.... George? You're ....a book character. At least, in this world you are..... "

And she pulls out a box of books. 

-Harry Potter and The Sorcer's Stone....Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.... Prisoner of Azkaban.... Goblet of Fire... Order of the Phoenix... Half Blood Prince... Deathly Hallows...blimey, Muggles read about Harry, too?.....Weird......-

"What? " 

Ravena sighs and hands me the first book,opening it to a page marked with a feather.

I read the part she points to, and gasp. 

"Who the bloody hell is following us? How did they know what we said? Oh, blimey.... Has Percy read these? !"

Ravena laughs, a sound I want to hear forever. 

"No. " Suddenly, she gasps , too, staring at the page. We watch in silence as my name and Fred's vanish, every word about us gone in a blink.  

"What on  Earth?" Ravena whispers, as more and more vanishes, until the entire book is empty.

The cover is now blank, and slowly the book vanishes too. 

Ravena curses as the rest of the books vanish. "Damn. Sixty bucks, wasted..."

Hawthorne sighs. "So, if you two came into our world-" he never finishes his sentence, because at that instant,  loud pops are heard all around us, and the next word spoken is a shout :" SECTUMSEPRA!" 

A burst of light hits Hawthorne in the chest, and he collapses with a scream. Ravena  cries" No! HAwthorne!" and kneels at his side, while I pull out my wand and try to think of a way to distract sixty Death Eaters.

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