Unholy Men Part 2

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Brianna's POV

"Funny, Lexi. " I say, smirking. 

But Lexi doens't smile. "I mean it. I saw him. He came to my apartment. Wanted to know what I knew about the Turtles." Her expression is serious.

"Lexi, that's not possible. " 

"Isn't it? Think about it! Other fictional people are coming to life! The Weasley twins in Michigan, Leo Valdez in Utah, Kingpin..... Bishop is here. " 

"Lexi, joke's over, not laughing. " 

Lexi's eyes widen , focusing on someone behind me. Suddenly she grabs my wrist. "Run." She whispers, pulling me along as she sprints out of the airport. 

"LEXI! What's wrong? "

"Bishop! He's here! Chasing us! Drop your backpack, he thinks you're with the Turtles!" 

I stare at her. "I am not dropping my backpack. All my stuff is in it!" 

"Come on, it looks like a turtle shell! Bishop'll attack us for sure!"  Lexi pleads, losing her tough attitude completely. 

"Alexandra, calm down. We are going to be fine.  Come on, let's go into the subway. Lots of tunnels to lose Bishop in." 

"Do not call me Alexandra. " Lexi snaps, smiling a little. 

We dash into a subway tunnel and leap down onto the tracks. Racing across, we enter another tunnel and manage to get ourselves lost within minutes. 

Lexi sinks to her knees, hyperventilating and looking unstable.

"Lexi? " 

"He's gonna find us. He's gonna find us. He's gonna find us." She mutters, getting louder each time. 

Finally I slap her. She tackles me to the ground in a rage. 

"What is your problem?! " She demands, glaring fiercely at me.

"Friendship pact rule 23- If one of us panics, get them back to normal. For you, that means slaps." 

Lexi laughs, rolling off me and helping me to my feet. 

"Thanks. Hey, do you hear something? " 

"You mean other than the music in my head? Yeah.  "

We both fall silent and listen.

"Mikey! Hey, Mikey, come back! Raph didn't mean it! He said he'll replace your comics! Come on, MIkey! "

Lexi looks at me and mouths" Leonardo?" and I  just nod.  

More voices come from a tunnel to our left. "Mistress, we've captured one of the turtles. What should we do with him? " 

-Oh, Shell. That sounds like Hun. - 

Silence. Then a small army of Foot ninjas walk into view, lead by Hun. Slung almsot lazily over Hun's shoulder is Michelangelo. 

Anger floods my veins. How many times have I wished I could hurt people who hurt Mikey? Now I get my chance. 

I reach into my jacket pockets, whipping out the best present I ever got- authentic nunchuks. 

Hun laughs. "Child, you stand no chance against-" 

Before he finishes his sentence, Lexi tackles him, forcing him to drop Mikey. I  make sure he's breathing, then do something to get Leo's attention. 

I scream. 

Lexi catches on and starts yelling random things. "Don't hurt me! Let go!  I don't want to go with you! " 

Hun roars in anger and throws Lexi off. I spin my chaku and smile. 

"Bring it, Hun. I've been wanting to hit you for a long time." 

I lunge at him and catch him off guard, managing to hit him hard in the face with my foot while breaking a few of his fingers witrh my chaku. 

Right on cue, Leo appears, swords drawn and looking totally angry. 

"Hun! You've harmed my family for the last time!" 

Hun tries to grab me, but I backflip over his head and he roars in frustration. Lexi's somehow knocked out the other thirty ninjas, and she looks bored. 

"Brianna? Can I play too? " She asks, sounding entirely innocent.

"Sure. My toy's ugly anyway." I reply. She laughs in delight and lunges at Hun, wrestling him to the ground and I can see fists flying, though only Lexi lands any blows. 

Leo is watching is stunned silence, clearly unsure how to react. 

"Hi! Nice to meet you. I'm Brianna, the crazy one is Lexi. And you are?" 

Looking more confused than ever, Leo sheathes his swords and says:" Leonardo. What are you doing in the sewers?"

"Oh, the usual. Chased by a weird guy in a suit called Bishop. You know, typical Monday." 

I answer, laughing. Leo's eyes widen."Bishop? He's not down here, is he?" 

Lexi calls out an answer as she knocks out Hun. "No! We lost him. "

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