No such thing as Coincedence

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Marie"s POV

I suppose I was bound for trouble, attempting to walk home in a blizzard. But I was not going to spend my weekend stuck in the school.  So, once I'd put away my art project, I zipped up my coat and slung my bag over my shoulder and headed out fearlessly into the harsh March winds.

Now, growing up in Michigan, I was used to cold, snow, and rain.

But this storm ? Completely and absolutely terrifying.  The wind was so fierce that, though I was wearing at least six layers of jackets, I felt naked.

The snow whipped around in a frenzy, as lost as I was. Visilibilty was near nonexistent, but I  had no other way home.

Mother was off with husband number 23, and my brother had recently moved to France.

I couldn't tell you if I had gone a mile or two feet when the blue box appeared in front of me.

A man stepped out, looked at me, and said "One of us is either late or early."

I know, I know, he was a stranger, I should have kept walking, should have had sense, but I was cold and curious.

"Well, I'm not early to anything. Who are you? And how did you and that box get here?"

My reply made him smile.

"It's not a box, it's the TARDIS. Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. And I'm the Doctor. "

"The Doctor? " I repeated, my pulse racing.

How many evenings had I watched this show? How many companions did I travel with? How many moments had the Doctor touched my life?

" Yes, the Doctor. I need a new friend, the last two just got married and are no longer travelers of time. Care to join me? Wander the universes, save worlds, change fate, see everything? " He says, offering a hand.

"So, you want me to just leave my life? My mother, my step dad, my sibling? My friends? "

As I say this I know it's pointless; I have no true reason to stay- Mother hasn't ever really known she has children, my brother and I rarely speak, and I have no friends.

The Doctor laughs, as though he knows all this- which he probably does, I doubt there's anything he doesn't- and simply looks at me.

"So, are you coming? " He prompts, gesturing to the TARDIS.

"Yes. My name is Marie Rowyn, I'm 19, fascination with World War 2, Titanic, Egypt, Rome, Greece, Norse Mythology- well, any mythology- and I would love to join you, Doctor. "

He smiles ,I take his hand, and we step into the TARDIS.

The familiar whirring whoosh begins and the TARDIS  is off.

"Where to, Marie? " The Doctor asks, fiddling with his bow tie.

" I've always wanted to know if there was any truth to that Headless Horseman tale in Sleepy Hollow..."

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