Miracles and Mischief

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Fred's POV

Well, this is annoying. Being unable to move is boring, but I hate not being able to insult anyone. I mean, what's the fun in fighting old Moldywarts if I can't even ask where his ickle nosie went? 

Then I had to listen to Percy screaming in my ear for five minutes.... actually, it was kind of nice to have him not insult me..... 

But I wasn't upset until I heard someone say "He's gone, George." Then I went mental. 

Gone? You prats, I'm lying right here! I'm fine!  A thousand words bubbled on my tongue, but my mouth for once would not listen. 

Hearing my twin sobbing over my apparantly dead body, though? Definition of torture. 

It got quiet after awhile, though, and I started to panic. 

Have I been buried?

Like a ray of sunlight, George's voice  was in my ear. 

"Don't worry, twinnie. I'm going to fix you. " 

A soft pop. New voices. 

And finally the numbness vanished. 

I could move!


Almost ten seconds pass, then I'm ambushed by the Saint. 


George steps back, wiping at his eyes. 

"You prat. I save you and I don't even get a thank you? " 

"I'll thank you once my head stops hurting." 

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