Chapter 1:

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"Calvarey!!!" The voice scream in fury. He was gaining on him. If Greyson were to complete his task of being the distraction, he'd have to hold on just a bit longer until he lost the maniac behind him and could slip away safely. All the halls of the metal hell-hole seemed to blur together as he dodged and darted his way through the maze of a building.

"J-Just a few more minutes..." Greyson panted aloud to himself before turning down yet another metallic corridor.


This little Calvarey creep was going to pay for once again setting his plans a blaze, and he sure as hell wasn't going to be getting away under his watch. A small smirk pulled at thin lips of the pale faced villain. The agent was playing right into his clutches, running into an unsuspecting dead end.

"Good attempt Greyson~" He cooed, kicking his pace up a notch so that he could capture the look of shock on his face when he realized he had enclosed himself.


Dammit! Though he should've suspected for his opponent to have the upper hand in knowing his way throughout the building, Greyson had been hopeful that maybe he could've pulled off his little stunt in losing him, but no. Think Calvarey.... Think... There wasn't much he could do in the room. It was primarily empty minus the fluorescent lights that hung from the ceiling, a cleared lab table, and a tall, white, incubator like machine. Okay... Plan B... Hopefully, he'd led them far enough away to survive the blast of bombs his colleagues had set up. If he had, they could spar for a few minutes until help was on the way. Yes that would work, he assured himself silently, only to be interrupted suddenly by a large crack to the back of his cranium. A gun. Immediately, Greyson crashed into the ground, seeing stars and struggling to catch his breath.

"I-Is that all you've got Blackwood...?" He managed through a cheeky grin, despite his current condition. Just a few minutes the agent continued to remind himself. This time when Blackwood, as his last name was revealed to be, went to land another blow, Greyson was one step ahead of him, grabbing his wrist and flipping him onto his back. Out of anger, Blackwood fired a not-so-well aimed bullet, which whizzed past Greyson's ear and struck the lights above head, triggering an electrical fire to rapidly spread. Despite the heat however, he had to continue on.

"C'mon Ash... give up now.... Neither of us can survive the smoke..." Calvarey attempted to end the fight, only to be met with another close call of a bullet, that ruptured a gas pipe. Great. Now they were going to die for sure.

"As long as you don't walk out of here I'm all for it!" Ash Blackwood, cackled and cocked his weapon. Time was running out. If Greyson didn't get out of here soon, the leaky pipe with a combination of the electrical fire would cause-- BOOM .... A massive explosion. Around him, everything went fuzzy, including his hearing which now slightly rang in an annoyingly high pitched buzz. Ash was the least of his worries now, if he was even still alive after an explosion of that size. It was a miracle that Greyson had survived even.

"Distress Situation Detected: Activation Initiated" A robotic woman's voice suddenly spoke, followed by the hiss of a sealed door opening. That was strange... He didn't remember there being anyone else in the room besides he and his opponent. Out of no where, metal clamps suddenly wrapped themselves around his wrists, and slowly began dragging him along the flame ridden floor. "H-Hey! Let go!" Greyson called out, tugging that the arms that had taken him hostage. Unfortunately, this only seemed to quicken the process and strength. The more he struggled, the more force whatever had grasped onto him used. When the explosion finally settled, it became obvious that the 'Woman' who'd been reeling him in, was in fact the white incubator that sat in the corner of the room, door now wide open to reveal the chamber that he guessed would soon become his tomb if he didn't manage to escape. It was inevitable though. With a final yank, his whole body was pulled into place, and the door closed in front of him, trapping him within the sterile prison.

"Let me out! No distress! I repeat!! No Distress!!" Greyson yelled, hoping that the machine would sense something wrong with the situation and set him free. His pleas however did the exact opposite in only heightening his stress levels and causing for the machine to work in overdrive.

"No! Stop!" He continued to no avail.

"Now acting under Distress Code 547.... Issuing sedative now." It spoke again, followed by a sharp, unsuspected prick to the neck. Almost at once he felt the drowsiness overcome his thoughts and actions. No. He had to resist. He wasn't about to be trapped within this machine. His colleagues were awaiting his return-- His colleagues. The bomb. They'd think he was dead-- well technically he was going to be in a few minutes if he fell under the spell of the administered drug.

"Dis.... Distress...." Greyson continued to persuade the machine to release him, that he wasn't in any actual danger, that he didn't need to be locked away and put to sleep.

"The.... There is no...." Before he was allowed to finish his thought however, the machine again droned on.

"Hibernation Mode: Activated."

Hibernation? That couldn't be right.... It was too late though. He was quickly fading into the warm and comforting darkness.

The last thing he remembered was the heat, a flash of light, and the thought of his body never being recovered in the rubble. My wife is going to kill me....

Action Man James MonroeWhere stories live. Discover now