Chapter 4:

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Though the night was still young, dozens of suits and dresses filled the art hall, a number of hues that glowed with the golden light of dazzling chandeliers hanging high above the heads of the guests, crystals dripping from their eloquent framework. The only thing that was more brilliant than the shimmering scene before him were the thin Swarovski glasses, filled to the brim with over flowing champagne that gathered at the stem in heavenly droplets. James had found himself alone again-- might he mention since his boss was far too busy chatting it up with any one who possessed feminine equipment and breathed-- no he took that back. Alan Wyatt would flirt with a corpse as long and she were drop dead gorgeous. His lips curled into a small, sly smile, and James complimented himself silently for his clever choice of words. As his own personal award for this hilarious and unknown feat, the con snagged one of the many glasses of dribbling champagne between two fingers from a nearby tray and sipped at it, jolting eyes scanning the crowd for something interesting. Sadly, there was nothing except for the fact Alan was picking up on yet another girl, this one with blonde curls with a laced bodice dress, matching mask, and sheer grey veil edged in yet more lace. With this one however, he seemed to be far more elegant, and quickly casted aside an insulted woman he was previously speaking to. James' attention captured, he quickly began to make his way across the floor, though it was more like squeeze considering the mass quantities of gowns and suits.

"Alan! I see that Mrs. Calv--" He began, though was rudely interrupted mid-sentence.

"There you are James. I have important business to attend to, though I would hate to leave the lovely Alex alone." Alan shot the blonde one of his 'heart throbbing' smiles before allowing for his face to go slack and returning to his orders, "Escort her would you? I'll be back later for a toast." He finalized, taking the hand of the woman in black and pecking the back of her hand before taking off without another word.

"Wow....." James voice trailed off, raising an eye at the billionaire in distaste, "If you were my date I definitely would not be leaving a lady as lovely as yourself with my co-worker to pick up on....~" He complimented with a Cheshire grin, earning himself a small laugh from the lady in black.

"You're quite charming Mr....." The lady continued to giggle and awaited for a name.

"Monroe... James Monroe.... I've always wanted to state my name that way..." James admitted childishly, tucking his free hand into the pocket of his blazer. Luckily for him, the mask covered the embarrassment that he'd shared such a stupid fact. The blonde didn't seem to mind though. "A-Ah... Might I ask for yours?"

The blonde smiled through her veil and took a step closer to the man, deciding that she quite liked him with his charm and immature ways.

"Calvarey... Alex Calvarey...." Alex mocked him, faking a British accent as she did so and returned his sly grin, earning a small chuckle from James. This lively lady before him was the same one that had choked up over the line earlier? There was no way.

"Very amusing Ms. Calvarey. Your impression is spot on." The Con teased, expecting another round of subtle laughter, but was met with sad and heavy silence.

"That's... That's uh... It's Missus...." She correctly him shyly, tucking a small golden curl behind her ear under the veil.

"O-Oh.... Right... Of course Mrs. Calvarey," he quickly corrected himself, clearing his throat to break the awkward quiet that had formed between them.

"I-I Uh... I just assumed since you were Wyatt's date and all--"

"Did he tell you that I was his date?"

"Errr... Yes Ma'am?"

"That slimy weasel.... I'm here to collect some information." Alex spat bitterly, crossing her arms in disapproval. "I was specifically instructed by him and Special Agent Ryder that someone was going to be attending this little party of his with critical information on my husband." She continued to rant, snatching the half filled glass of champagne from James and downing it in one annoyed gulp. "I can't believe him! How dare he toy with my heart like that!"

Unsure of how to respond, James merely stood there, allowing for his blonde new friend to continue on with her tirade.

"H-He knows how much Greyson means to me!"

So that was who she'd mistaken him for. Alex had thought that James was possibly her husband. Her lost husband to be exact. No wonder she'd gotten so choked up. The poor gal had been expecting to be reunited with her lover, and instead wound up as Mrs. Wyatt and was thrown to his personal assistant like dog food. How awful....

Just as James began to comfort her, the clinking of glasses surrounded them, signaling a toast from the man of the evening; Alan Wyatt. Great. Just what Alex needed. To listen to some lying jerk

"Alex.... If you'd like to get out of here now would be the time to do it...." He muttered to her quietly, giving her lacey sleeve a tug and beginning to melt into the crowd. To be a good con-man, one had to be smooth, cautious, and casual. These were also the qualities however was being a good guy to a damsel in distress. Prince Charming you could say.

Though the hesitation was clear in her demeanor, she followed him out, careful to blend in as he had done. For whatever reason, she and James had immediately clicked. Bonded even, almost as though they've known each other their entire lives. In a way, he reminded her much of her husband Greyson, wherever he was. Although it had been a little over three months since his disappearance, Alex was convinced he was out there, living and breathing. In what state though, she was unsure of.

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