Chapter 7:

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The sun shone down onto the blonde curls of the girl, giving them a golden glow humming with energy. Giving a sigh, she allowed for her eyes to flutter shut, face soaking in the warmth of the bright rays. From the east, a light breeze tangled her long locks and sent the grass waving in the wind, tickling her shins. There was no way that this was reality right now. This had happened years ago, how could she be experiencing it now? Faint laughter rang out in the distance. Wait. That wasn't right either. That was her laughter, but Alex hadn't been laughing. Could she really be two places at once? Confused, the blonde frowned and climbed up over the sun-kissed ridge to watch the scene she'd imagined so many times run.

It was a young couple, possibly in their 20's. Either way, they were fresh out of college judging from their still childish looks and wide eager eyes. If only they knew now what was to happen to the two of them. It wrenched her heart to observe the two, laughing and tossing the remainders of their picnic at each other, cheeks flushed in the afternoon heat and hair messily flopped down over their faces from a mixture of the afternoon breeze and lazily napping in the tall grass. Somehow, despite the two being more different than night and day right down to their personality and looks, they had clicked and stayed that way. How lovely it must've been for these two, forever trapped in this wondrous and blissful moment, eternally giggling and enjoying each other's company. Tears had begun to well up in the grey eyes of their observer. All she wanted was to be that memory. Relive this moment for the rest of her life with her soon to be fiancé, or at least soon to be in this memory. Somewhere out in the real world, her boyfriend had become her fiancé, and then her husband, and then he was nothing but lost. Gone. Wiped from the face of the earth without a trace while on a job, and leaving the blonde behind, heart broken and hoping that he would one day find his way back to her.

The breeze froze suddenly, and the chuckling of the couple fell silent, actions stiffening like statutes, one arm slung around the freckled shoulders of his female companion whose face was caught in a wide smile and a sly glance at her lover. Suddenly the image of the two began to fade. No. The whole world around her had. The cloudless sky had begun to turn black, as did everything else surrounding the blonde.

"No!" She screamed suddenly, reaching out to grasp the younger version of her husband, but her fingers merely passing through air.

"No! Please! Don't go! I want to stay!" Her voice was beginning to grow sore, her pleading howls tearing the back of her throat to shreds.

"Please don't leave! Please don't fade away! I want to stay! I want to stay!" The blonde's consciousness was beginning to ebb away into nothing and hot tears had begun to sting and stain her distressed features. It was over. She was over. Her life diminished. Then, a voice.

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