Chapter 6:

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"Here.... No one will think to check the utility closet." James shuffled the two into the cramped quarters, though it didn't seem to bother either of them, sitting on the ground, wedged between the wall, a generator, and the coat rack that blanketed them. If anything, it was kind of nice. He was so used to being alone. The most important rule of running a con; Don't get attached.

"Thanks..." The blonde muttered, almost sarcastically. The last place she wanted to be was shoved into a small compartment and forced to breath the same air as someone that reminded her so much of her missing husband. It was torture for her to be so close, yet so far in several different aspects. In one, the man who knew vital information of her husband's whereabouts was in the building, and in another, she was with James. The man that resembled him in so many ways right down to the way he chose his words and made her heart skip in circles.

"And here I was thinking you were an idiot whose mother named him after a president hoping you'd be something one day...." Alex continued on, rather harshly. Although it wasn't exactly fair to James after what he'd done for her, she couldn't help but to get upset.

"Yeah... Something along those lines..." He lied, waving off her bitter tone. In reality, James had received his name after his first heist of a Presidential Document signed by no other than James Monroe himself. Later that day when he was asked his name, instead of the usual, "Oh you know... I don't know... I don't know anything really. Want to pay me now?" He'd responded with the name on the document and had stuck with it since then.

For a while, the two of them sat in silence before Alex grew uncomfortable and itched to stretch her legs. There was also the guilt of what she'd said earlier, insulting the very man who'd been able to sneak her out and away from that disgusting excuse of a man Wyatt.

"Sorry.... About earlier I meant... I should've been focusing my anger on Alan. Not on you... I should be thanking you really." The blonde apologized, a small smile beginning to form at the thought of the billionaire searching the entire ballroom for her while she was locked away in a closet with his flirtatious assistant. Probably wouldn't want to marry her then, would he? How disgusting... a 50 year old and a married 24 year old? What a freak. Suddenly, Alex frowned, realizing she'd never received a reply from her masked savior.

"James...?" She called out, looking over at him confused. He was still for the most part, his back a bit more slid down the wall and fedora tipped down over his face.

"H-Hey! James!" Her tone was growing more worried. Something was wrong. It was very unlike him. Out of his character. Why wasn't he responding?! Panicked, Alex removed her veil and revealed herself to the strangely silent male.

Everything felt horribly fuzzy. One moment his name and title had been insulted by the blonde, and the next few the world had begun to spin and blur behind his mask. Alex seemed so far away, a voice that tickled the back of his mind in the form of a whisper. Finally, when his vision cleared, he was met with her true identity. Barrels of Honey golden curls, cherry red lips that trembled and.... Somehow, despite the trouble he knew he was in, James managed to smile at his achievement.

"Hey.. Hey! Don't... Just.. Just stay with me okay...?" The girl seemed to beg him, beginning to remove his own mask and fedora. That's when it hit her. A sudden wave of heat, and then the numbing of her finger tips. They were both going to die. Why though? Why were they dying? What could they have possibly done to deserve this? Though she could barely feel her fingers working away at the mask, all of her attention was focused there. Undo the knot. Undo the knot. Undo the knot. Maybe if she got a look at him she could tell what was wrong. Finally the black mask came undone. Carefully the blonde removed it from his face before her vision blurred and world. went. black.

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