Chapter 1

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"Honey, I have to go to work, come on." My mom said while grabbing her coat off the coat rack. "Why do I have to go?" I huffed, crossing my arms. "There's nothing to do at your work but sit in the office and play my DS. It gets boring after a while! Plus, all the other people always pinch my cheeks and call me cute!" I was very small and short for a seven year old. It didn't help that I looked like a three year old instead of a seven year old. 

"Oh, you know that they all just love you. Come on it's only for a couple of hours. I'll buy you a new game." I sighed and grabbed my coat that was in her hands. "No, I don't want a new game. I wanna stay home!" I pouted. I did want a game but I didn't want her to know that. 

"Oh, come on." She replied. I walked out of the house and beside the car but not without grabbing my DS and nintendogs. My mom locked the house up and unlocked the car. We both hopped in. By this time, I was shivering. It was the middle of winter and snow covered the ground. It was still snowing.

"Mom, when we come home, I wanna play!" I shouted, smiling. She smiled and started the car, pulling out of the driveway, and driving to work. My mommy was a lawyer. She always told me that her job was to help the good people. 

"I want you to meet some of my clients at work when we get there, so be on your best behavior. Do you understand me, Lillian Elizabeth? I mean it." I nodded while staring out the window with a pout. The phone vibrated then started to beep. 

"I got it!" I shouted. Mommy looked over at me a second before looking at the road again. She reached into her purse, grabbed the phone, and gave it to me. "Here, say hello Mrs. Smith's daughter speaking."

I quickly grabbed the phone, excited to be answering it. "Hello! Mrs. Smith's daughter speaking!" I said happily into the phone.  

"Hello, is your mother around?" A deep, kind voice came into the phone. "She's driving." I said. 

"Can you tell her that Carlisle Cullen is calling?" I furrowed my brows. "Mommy, it's for you. It's Carlel Cullen." Mom laughed at something and said in a slow voice. "Carlisle." I repeated, "Carlel." She laughed softly again before looking over and saying, "We'll be at the office soon, and I'll call him again from-" She was cut off by a loud honking noise. 

"MOMMY!" I screamed scared. 

There was screeching sounds and the sounds of my mommy screaming. The phone flew out of my hand and My body shot forwards from the impact of the car hitting another car. The air bag popped up and I was shot at the back of the seat. My face was in pain and so was my ribs. I felt the car flip as and land upside down. It was hard for me to breath and I looked over at mommy, seeing if she could help me. 

"Mooommmy." I groaned. It hurt really bad to talk. Her eyes were closed and she was hanging limp in her seat. Her head was bleeding and she looked really white like a ghost. 

I could hear someone talking and then remembered the phone. "Hello, are you there?" I realized I was crying, scared, so I reached the phone and tried to talk. "Help, mom, help us!" 

"Where is your location, Lillian." I looked out the window and saw an intersection. "I don't know. I'm scared."

"Listen to me, you need to look around better. Tell me everything you see." Carlisle said.

"There's a green paper with White letters. It says Hootah stir." I said. I wasn't the best reader and I definitely couldn't read that well upside down. My head started to pound and It felt like I was suffocating. "Spell it out for me, tell me the letters." He repeated fast but slow enough for me to hear. 

"H-O-Y-T-E Hootah, Stir, S-T." I said. 

"Stay on the phone, I'm going to be there in less then five minutes, Okay?" 

"I'm scared. Mommy, wake up!" I shouted. "WAKE UP!" She didn't respond and that's when I started to sob.

The next thing I knew was someone opening the door and Undoing my seat belt. Before I could fall they pulled me out. 

I coughed a lot, and looked to see who took me out from the car. "Lillian, your gonna have to stay awake, alright. Rose come help me." It was a man that was really white and a woman who was really white also. They were beautiful. I stopped struggling and crying and watched them. I didn't feel any pain and I couldn't even hear them. I relaxed back onto the pavement. All I could hear was a loud ringing noise. 

That's all I could remember before I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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