Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning, laying on Paul. I didn't feel good at all. Thinking about what happened only made it worse. The redhead has really scared me. 

"It's about time you've finally woken up! Its almost noon!" Haley whispers. I wonder why she was whispering untill I looked down to see Paul asleep. He looked so peaceful, handsome, and more. 

I brushed the hair out of his eyes and smiled. Mine. 

Paul is mine. 

As I brushed the last of his hair out of the way, he tensed like he was about to jolt up and then he sucked in air and smiled. My smell made him relax and he opened his eyes. I grinned at him. "Good Morning!" He grinned back and then he frowned and scoped out the room. 

He must have remembered what happened last night as well. 

"Where is everyone? Why are you here, Haley?" I had forgotten that haley was even in the room. I was focused on how beautiful Paul looked.

"Cassie, Allie, and I are here because of everything going on. Rosalie, Emmett, Carlisle, and Esme are here somewhere in the house while Alice, Jasper, Edward, and Bella are going some where safe."

I was confused. "Edward said that the guy-" I was cut off by Haley. "James."

"Alright, Edward had said that James wants Bella and me?" Haley nodded while Paul held onto me tight, trying to calm down.

"Ok, so why is Bella wherever she is now? Shouldn't I be with her? For protection? It's almost as if Uncle Eddie, Uncle Jaz, and Aunt Alice favors Bellas protection more than mine."

My mommy and daddy came into the room with Allie and Cassie. I stood up and ran upstairs to my bedroom, locking the door before anyone could come in. I needed time to think. I was scared but I was also angry. Angry at everyone.

Why couldn't I be normal? Where no vampires, shapeshifters, ghosts, or anything supernatural exhisted? I wish my mom was here. My original mom. I started to cry.

I want my mom! I went all over my room, throwing things, breaking anything I could even get ahold of. 'It isn't fair!' I thought. 'I want a normal life!'

After a few minutes, I stopped. 'Why would I want a normal life? I love everyone in this life. My mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, Jasper, Edward, Alice, my friends, and Paul. I am glad that I have a family. I have a good life. Why would I wish to be normal?' 

I sniffed a couple times before I realized I was crying.

"Come on Lillian, stop being a baby." I calmed down, and sat in the middle of my room. I looked around to see that I had destroyed my room. Everything. I paused to listen to everything going on downstairs.

I heard the some people from the pack downstairs. I knew everyone but Sam, Jared, and Leah was downstairs. They were talking about protecting me.

I listened really hard to try and find out what everyone was talking about. I closed my eyes, and slowed my breathing down.

"What do you mean, Bella is not with you?"

There was a pause. Carlisle was on the phone with someone. I think it is Alice but It could be Jasper or Edward.

"Where did she go? Are you sure? We are on our way." 

I heard shuffling and then Carlisle spoke up, loud. I think he knew I was listening.

"We need to head out. Bella is in trouble. James is not even in washington so Lillian is safe. Rose, Emmett, as her parents you need to stay here and protect her from Victoria. Laraunt is already dead. I'm not sure what Victoria is planning but I do know where James is. Paul, will you protect Lillian, no matter what?"

"You shouldn't even ask me that." He replied in an angry tone.

I heard some more shuffling and then they were all gone. I went to my window in time to see Carlisle and Esme get into the car and leave.

"Cassie, Allie, and Haley are coming up." Nicole said, sitting on my bed. I went over to the door and opened it. They were standing there. "Sorry about earlier guys. I was acting immature. I've destroyed my room."

They looked around my room and nodded. "Well, we are stuck here with Jacob, Quil, Embry, Paul, your mom and dad, Seth, and of course, us." I nodded just as my stomach growled.

"Let's go eat, I'm hungry."

A while later, we were all sitting in the living room. That's when I get a weird feeling. I felt as if a pressure was in my head. I started to get tired. Not the type of tired that makes you sleep but exhausted.

I slumped back against the couch and stared off into space. I couldn't move my body. At all.

Then all of a sudden, my body started to move on its own. I got up, walked into the kitchen, into the back room. Paul followed me, asking me what I was doing and I just ignored him. I tried to cry out that it wasn't me but I couldn't control that either. I was pulled into the back of my mind.

I saw two eyes, staring at me. They were a blood red colour and I instantly was frightened. They were taunting me. All of a sudden, I'm pulled back into my body out from my mind. I feel cold all over. I opened my eyes and they stung. I instantly closed them. I tried to inhale air but found that I was under water. I started to choke.

'What happened?' Just when I went limp, thinking I was going to drown, arms went around my waist and I was pulled up.

 I still couldn't breath though. Now, I was exhausted and sleepy. I felt someone pushing against my chest. It didn't hurt but it wasn't comfortable either. I was almost asleep when I felt someones lips against mine as they blew air into my mouth. 

I felt shocks spread from my face to my heart, and even to my toes. It was a great feeling. I didn't ever want this feeling to stop. But when I felt them remove there lips, I was dissapointed. So dissapointed that I didn't realize that I was now sitting up, coughing up water. The sting in my throat was almost unbearable. 

"Lillian, don't you ever scare me again!" I heard a deep voice say. I layed back down, trying to calm my heart and take in as much air as possible. I opened my eyes to find that my vision was blurred. I could only make out Pauls face. "Paul." I mumbled, half out of it. 

He pushed my hair out of my face and took off his shirt, putting it on me. I was freezing, tired, and confused. How was I here? What happened? 

I went to sleep, after that. 

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