Chapter 3

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It's been almost a year since I was in the hospital and I keep seeing people who arn't there. Well, everyone else says they aren't there. "Come on lillypad, let's go to the clubhouse!" My best friend, Rosie, said. "Alright, Rosie I'll race ya!" I yelled while running out of my room. 

"Lillian, what have a said about running in the house?" Daddy said while picking me up. I frowned. "You let Rosie win!" I looked at daddy to see him frown. "We've told you multiple times, Lillian. Rosie is not here. It's just an imaginary friend and I think that you should stop it. It's not healthy for a girl your age." I frowned again and wiggled out of his arms. 

"ROSIE!" I ran to the clubhouse, crying. The clubhouse was the attic. Once in the attic, I saw Rosie and started sobbing. "No one will believe me that you are real!" Rosie laughed and I gave her a confused look. "Rosie? Why are you laughing?"  

"Because I'm not real. I'm dead. I died two years ago in the hospital."  She replied while going over to look outside the window. 

"Well If your a ghost then how come I can see you? Mommy says that people can't see ghosts because ghosts are not real." She laughed again and then disappeared. I frowned, walking downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. 

"Lillian, can I talk to you?" Daddy asked. I looked at him and crossed my arms, looking the other way. "HMMPH." 

"Lillian, please? I'm sorry. I'll take you out to ice cream!" I peaked a look at him to see him sad then looked at the door as mommy walked in. She nodded in agreement and I shook my head yes, while running to my daddy. He scooped me up and brought me to the living room where I put on my jacket and shoes. 

"Alright, come on." 

Another two years passed by and in that time, I turned Ten! I'm a big girl now. But I keep having nightmares. Now, everyone believes that I can see ghosts but they don't know why. I'm not allowed to talk to them, but I still do. I know that my family isn't normal. They are vampires, but I have to keep it a secret. We have to move in another year because they don't age like I do. 

"Rosie, come out, come out, where ever you are!" I said while looking all around the room. It was the middle of the night and the only people here, were Aunt Alice and Grandma. 

They don't care if I talk to ghosts. They encourage it. Everyone does except for mommy and daddy. They think I'll get hurt somehow. But I wont. I'm a big girl. 

"Lillian, why are you up?" Auntie Alice said while peeking through the door. "I had a bad dream and Rosie went away. She's not here anymore! Yesterday, when she told me that she had to leave, I thought she ment she would come back. Not be gone forever!" Auntie Alice came and gave me a big bear hug while I cried. She has been my best friend for 3 years. 

"Hey, It's alright. You still have friends in your class. Your in the 5th grade. Your popular. Everyone likes you. It's gonna be alright, okay?" 

When school was over that year, we moved to Washington. Forks to be exact. I made fun of the name alot and laughed when they kept saying it. I was happy with my life for the moment being. I had everything that I needed. 

"Mommy, daddy, can I pick out my room!" I said while walking through the door of our new house. They both nodded, and smiled. I ran up the stairs, almost falling, and took a look at each room. I then came to the conclusion that I liked the smallest one, facing the woods. "found it!" I said while looking outside of the glass windows. I loved it. 

"Can we go hiking, and then unpack? Please?" I asked everyone. Smiles broke out, and we all went to the forest to explore. 

"Lillian, what do you want for your 12th birthday?" I shrugged at Edwards question. "I don't know. I have everything I need." I smiled at mommy and daddy. 

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