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So this is obviously a spam book.

It will be filled with tags and rants and bad jokes.

Now for some fun facts about me!

My real name is disgusting so you can call me Alex or Red. If I were fond of labels I would smack one on my forehead and tell you my exact sexuality and gender but since I am not fond of labels, I'll just say that I'm attracted to basically any gender and I use any pronouns (I'll update you on that).

I like most genres of rock and have a couple favorites but it changes a lot.

-the neighbourhood
-the 1975
-Led Zeppelin
-Melanie Martinez

Some things I do in my free time are

-Watch Steven Universe
-Watch AHS
-Watch YouTube
-Watch Dan and Phil
-Read fan fiction about Dan and Phil
-Write fan fiction about Dan and Phil
-Ship Dan and Phil
-Light candles for my Dan and Phil shrine
-Watch Filthy Frank
-Worship Joji
-Cringe at myself

I used to be super self conscious but I'm getting better. I also kinda hate myself but I'm trying hard not to.

I like a bit of vaperwave and I have an unironic cg/l kink that is so lowkey you could really just ignore it. I have an undying love for really bad outdated memes and I use Lenny face way too much.

I like pretty scenery, old books, trees, nature in general, planets, small house plants, animals, big sweaters, playing a guitar, playing guitar hero, cuddling, going into little space, Christmas, junk food, really good Phanfiction, blasting tøp, and just generally being trash.

Pm me and become my friend if you're into that kind of thing.

Wow who would ever trust me with a normal conversation? How do you even hold a conversation without stuttering or having a voice crack or cringing at yourself to the point you feel like flinging yourself into the sun?

I think that's enough.

See yA later!

Ol' Razzle Dazzle | Spam [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now