Things I wish I could say to irl people

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∆ I wish we could be better friends but I never get the chance to talk to you and I'm too awkward to break the ice so I'll have to stick to friends that put me on the back burner

∆ Ew

∆ You're actually really cool. Sorry for being rude to you.

∆ I probably don't deserve you.

∆ You're a good person but learn to love yourself instead of letting other people give you confidence.

∆ You've been my best friend since third grade and you always know how to make me smile and I need to thank you more for that. I don't deserve you tbh and I love you. Sorry for calling you old and short.

∆ I miss you so much and I never realized how much I needed you until you left and it still tears me up sometimes. You were always there for me and you were the only person I could talk to when things got rough. You always understand what I'm going through and you support all the weird stuff I do. You need to get your life together because you're making horrible choices and it's really hurting me. It's been hard lately and all I really want is to hug you even though I know how much you hate hugging me unless its serious. Just thinking about it now is bringing me to tears because when I start crying now that you're gone I have to replace your shoulder with a pillow or the bathroom floor and you're my comfort and It's just sad having to let you go. I'm glad I have your number now though because sharing memes and weird YouTube videos gives me life.

∆ Stop cheating on him its stressing me out big time. I'm previliged but I'm allowed to be sad so stop getting mad at me for it. And also, the reason I can't talk on the phone or make new friends is because I get anxious and scared. Sorry for being so sad all the time maybe I'll go out of my way to fake happiness so you don't feel bad. Another thing: I bottle up my feelings because I don't know how to express them and it's easier to try and sort them out myself.

∆ Where's that noose you promised to make me?

∆ The world isn't flat shut up.

∆ Stop calling me out in class I'm just trying to learn. But hey thanks for actually caring about my personal life it actully makes me really happy. And no I'm not okay :)

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