Here's a long creative tag related title by Panic! at the disco(by Fall out boy)

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Title- creds to strangervenus

GuESs wHO It iS thIS tiME? mY Only fRiEnd Jett

1. What's something you say too much?

-Hey that's pretty good

2. How tall are you?


3. If you could you use one word to describe Jett what would it be?


4. Name 3 things you like about yourself.

1. Taste
2. In
3. Music

5. Who's your favorite person in the world rn?

Betty White. It's always Betty White.
And Troye.

6. How do you feel about Phan?

How do I feel about oxygen?

7. Have you seen any musicals?

Umm *sweats* do school musicals count? Haha. No.

8. Who's your daddy?

George Miller

9. Tonald Drump or Sam Pooper?


10. Can you give me a hickey?

I don't know how to make one tbh.
Oops I'm 5. *sucks thumb*

11. What do you think of jett and strangervenus matching themes?

*whispers* i ship it
*still ship it*

12. Otp?

-Well the one I just said back in #11 (Bellon)
-Phan duuh
-my cat and my gerbil (Wucy)

13. Ahicantthinkofanythingbye

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

My questions!

1. Who is your number one otp?
2. Are we friends? (I like being desperate it's fun haha).
3. Do you like bras? If not would you want to join me in my anti bras club?
4. Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea?
5. Kinks? ;;))
6. Opinion on Don't Hug Me I'm Scared?
7. Favorite book on wattpad?
8. What is your aesthetic?
9. Team Edward or Jacob?
10. Horror or Romance movies?
11. Favorite YouTuber (except for Dan and Phil)?
12. Smut or Fluff?
13. Do you still have stuffed animals?

I tag

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