Reader X Germany: Mine

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Reader X Yandere!Germany

This is a stretch, I didn't know who to yandere-ify. Thanks Zoey for naming a random country at 12:47, also for answering random questions at like 1 am, such as "Name a random date activity." Thx fam.

Warning! Germ-boy is oc. OC Germany boi. Watch out Also sorry APH France for abusing u like this ily France.


It was another day of being a country. Or a ceo?? Who knows... Anyways, it was another meeting day. With the Axis and Allies fighting over pointless bullshit. It's really just a pointless meeting. It's the same routine with Alfred requesting a 'How about we put burgers in it?' or a response like, 'Is it nap time yet?' From Italy. Every single meeting ended up with Germany yelling at everyone, and leaving.

Today Germany couldn't help but notice that a newer country, whose name is (y/n) was asleep. Germany didn't have the heart to wake her up. Much less yell. He ended the meeting by telling everyone that he had 'things' to do. He really just wanted to get out of there so nobody would notice his face flushing.

When everyone started to leave, (y/n) was woken up by France.

"Do you expect me to just let you sleep there until the next meeting?"

(y/n) looked up at France, and yawned. "Well... Yeah." France laughed and messed up (y/n)'s (h/l) hair.

Something inside Germany started boling. He decided to leave the building, and get back home. The boiling inside of him didn't stop until he remembered how (y/n) looked while she was sleeping. But, there was still that dark feeling in the pit of his stomach. He hated how close France was with the girl. He didn't even know why! Germany just felt like France was evil in some way. Germany wanted the French idiot gone.

At the next meeting France didn't show up. Germany told him that there was no meeting today. Maybe next time. Everyone was confused at why France was gone. But no one really cared much. (y/n) looked disappointed. Like she had a crush on him or something. Why would (y/n) like that Frenchie? The only one close to France was Britain, who regretted being close with France.

After the meeting Germany went up to (y/n) and asked if she could go with him to asked if she wanted to go to a new cafe with him. He explained that she seemed like the adventurous person to go try out new foods. (y/n) agreed, and off they went to "Cafe Oeuf".

On the day of the date, (y/n) was picked up by Germany.

"Woah, nice car you have Ludwig."

"T-Thank you." Germany then started to drive to that new Cafe.

Once they got to the Cafe, Germany led her inside, and they sat at a table in the back corner. (y/n) was looking around, a faint blush on her cheeks. Germany was also looking around, but more importantly... He was really, really nervous.

When drink and food were ordered, (y/n) was laughing and talking about how France was being stupid the other day, and how Britain couldn't help but slap him. Germany feels that boling feeling inside him again, he has to stop. But when (y/n) leaves... He can't help but ball his hands into fists.

When (y/n) returns, he automatically acts 'normal' again. The cafe was emptying, and once (y/n) took a drink she would...

Right now, Germany was carrying (Y/n) to his basement. The basement wasn't oddly empty, it was actually a pretty nice extra living room. He places (Y/n) and watches her sleep. Her chest rising up and down, the twitches in her fingers. All of it was perfect. When Germany saw that (y/n) was about to awake, he left and locked the room. With powdered food in it.

The first thing (y/n) noticed when she woke up was that she was in a basement. An unfamiliar basement. She doesn't exactly remember the last thing she did, she was with someone blond, and then she passed out. (y/n) as of now, is so confused. The only thing she can think of doing is grabbing her phone and... Oh, of course her captor took her phone. The other thing she could do would be to look around.

The first thing she notices is that there's a plate of food next to the couch she was on, but the food looked suspicious, one part of it has white powder on it. (y/n) doesn't exactly remember the last time she ate, but nevertheless, she eats the food. Of course she ate around the white powdered parts.

The next thing she did was to look around. Apparently whoever kidnapped her was a clean freak, everything was in order. There's no mess to be seen.

The third thing that the girl notices is... A computer! She's really hoping that it doesn't have a password, that maybe she can send an email to France or maybe even Britain. When she turns the monitor on it shows up as logged in!

Thank you captor for being so lazy!

She went to Internet Explorer (that was the only thing available) and noticed the account that was logged into Google. 

Ludwig Beildsmicht.

(y/n)s heart quickens, and she types even faster than before. 


Germany has me in his basement, help me please. 

The faint sound of footsteps were getting louder. 

Francis, please. 

I hope I'll see you soon. X (y/n) 

 (y/n) clicks send, and log off the computer, she then rushes back to the couch she woke up on. 

Germany enters the room with a stern look on his face, but there was still a heavy dust of red on his cheeks. 


"M.. Yes?"

"Can I go home?"

"I- I don't think that's possible."

"Why not?"

"Uh.. Because it's night, and you would get lost going home," Ludwig rubs the back of his neck, and he takes a deep breath, "And you would stop talking to me, right? Once you leave you would stop talking to me forever. We can't have that now, can we?"

"Wh-What? I can stop talking to you if I wanted to."

"Of course, but you're here all alone. You'd go insane if you didn't talk to anyone. I am the only person who lives here. You're not going to get any other visits from anyone, other than me."

(Y/n) is getting frustrated, she wants to scream at him. "But I already told someone where I am."

For the first time in (y/n)s life, she sees Germany crack a smile. 

"I turned off the internet once I realized you were on my computer. Did you not notice?"




lmao //hard//  

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