Reader X Japan: Oyasumi

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Another terrible day at school, guess that's life. 

The young girl with a pertaining blue bruise on her face goes to sit down on her small bed.  She rubs her face until it feels numb. ___ then hears the door open, Mom's home. She sighs and lays down on her bed and covers her ears with the pillow. ___ falls asleep. 

____ wakes up in a green pasture. Her once ugly big bruise is gone and she finds herself wearing a long flowy  dress, she's never worn anything this fancy. She looks around and walks towards a bench. There's a man sitting on it. As she gets closer she sees him smile and wave her over. 

"Hi- uh, I'm ___... Who are you?" She sits down next to him, she notices his black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a plain tux. Well, if you could call it 'plain'. 

"Hello! I'm Kiku. ___, why are you here?" Kiku's eyes soften and he places his hand gently on hers. 

"Well, actually I don't know. I just kinda woke up here." 

"It's a good thing you did- you're very pretty. I'm glad I met you."

___ brushes the hair away from her face, "you-you think so?" She blushes, "Thank you..."

He nods, and smiles. You smile back, your cheeks slightly rose. 

You spend all day talking to him, you learn that he has many friends, most of them are really loud, though. 

"Could I ever meet your friends one day?"

He hesitates, "I'm not so sure about that, maybe. I'm not sure."

The light around you starts to dim. You look over at Kiku and he offers you his hand, you take it. He then leads you to an ordinate glass door. 

"I'm very sorry, but you should probably get home." 

You look down, "Will I ever see you again?"

"You will. Be safe." Kiku then plants a small kiss on the top of your head, and off through the glass door you go. 

You wake up with a small smile on your face. It was real. You gently touched the area where Kiku kissed. You smile at the things you talk about throughout the night. 

I can't wait to go to sleep again.

You were tempted to go back to sleep again, but the silence throughout the house was disrupted when your parents started to yell at you to get up. 

The nightly visits with Kiku continued, you became happier every day. The bullies at school were confused as to why you were so happy. Eventually one day, they decided to beat you up. Really bad. Normally they'd just go for verbal harassment, not physical. That night you couldn't sleep.

"C'mon, ___, SLEEP." You tossed and turned in your bed until you reached an idea. 

Sleeping pills!  That night you took your mother's sleeping pills. Surely, she wouldn't miss a few. 

That became the new routine, go to school, get home, take a sleeping pill and talk to Kiku. 

Yours and Kiku's relationship was escalating. You went dancing, had picnics, and even saw movies with him. It was great. You sometimes forgot that it was a dream. 

Every time you woke up you wished for more sleep, it was like a drug. So the only answer you could do to help this is to sleep during school. 

But then came the day when your teacher found the sleeping pills in your bag and sent you home. Your parents were outraged. They were proclaiming "how their daughter could do such things" and how you were "such a good student." 

They took your pills away.

You couldn't fall asleep, you needed them to see Kiku. You needed to see him! You just had too. You couldn't survive one day without him. 

That's when you decided to, at 1 am, go take the pills back and take enough to see Kiku. 

It worked. 

You arrived back into the garden with a white dress on. You look over at Kiku with a big smile. 

"Hey! Kiku!" You run over to him and hug him. He hugs you back. He frowns.

"you broke the door." 

He leads you over to the door, only to show the door, it was black and looked like it was stained with blood. 

"It's okay! I don't mind being here." You grinned, "I love you, Kiku!"

Tears start to form in Kiku's eyes. He kisses you, then says. 

"I'm so sorry." 

Kiku starts to disappear, instead, a large skeleton looking person comes back. It was wearing a black cloak. The skeleton hands you a red flower, a rose. 

Your mouth opens, surprised. 

"Oh, Kiku..."


Here's where i got the idea for this: 

Please check it out!


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