Hetalia as Mystic Messenger Characters

671 16 9

America: Yoosung 

England: Jumin Han (Does Jumin han gay?)

France: Zen (Elizabeth the third would totally be wine or something)

Prussia: 707

Belarus: Jaehee Kang

Germany: V


I'm so  obsessed with Mystic Messenger rn. I love it. Yoosung is my baby, and I would add "unknown" but I'm only on my first route (I'm doing Zen's route!)so,,, yeah. Also, I'm pretty sure that unknown would be some shitty 2p or something, I dunno. I was thinking that America would fit as 707 bc aliens & such, but Yoosung fits him better bc video games.  Prussia fits 707 because  he's trash.  I didn't know who Jaehee Kang would be, but Belarus is serious,,, Jaehee is as well,,, Belarus is 10/10 gay,,, Jaehee is 10/10 gay. It works

If you think otherwise comment it, bc  I would totally like to hear it. 

In addition, if you don't know what mystic messenger is; check it out. It's on the app store. It takes up a lot of space (& time) so if you can't play it, maybe check out a video?

(I forgot to add this, but would you guys like a mystic messenger fanfic later on, probably more fluffy stuff than plot, but... Y'know, it's an idea)

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