Reader X America : Video Games

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Sorry this is another moment with the guy aaa, he's really nice and I don't know. Anyways, I'm going to get onto the fic. There's going to be a lot of fics based on him, sorry.


Alfred and you were playing video games in his room, it was a game where you had to join with anonymous names. When you got the option to join, you joined in with your usual name. 

"(y/n)! That's not fair you can't play two accounts!"


"Aren't you gorgeous?"

"I- I'm gonna freaking leave your house." You feel your face flush, "Just join with your usual name, nerd."

"O... Oh shit I ran out of time."

"Alfred oh my God, truth hurts. Doesn't it?"

"You just called me- Shut up."


The game continued on and you see Alfred whispering to you in game. 

"Alfred stop talking to me, we're sitting right next to each other."

"I'm not. You must be talking to yourself."

You punch his shoulder. "Shut up!"

You grab a pillow and shove it into your face, covering your red cheeks. 

"Aw you died, (y/n)." 

"If I died I must be in heaven if I'm with you."



Sorry for all the fics about me and the guy. It's a shame because he lives in Canada. 16 hours away aw.  But I guess it makes up with all the hangouts. We literally call each other every day, it's really nice. Makes me happy.

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