F.A.C.E.: Family

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"Al, do you think we'll ever have a Christmas where Arthur and Francis aren't fighting?"

Alfred sighed, "God, that's a good question. I don't know."

Matthieu tried to block out the yells that were coming from downstairs. It was Christmas Eve. 

"Y'know, as cheezy as it sounds, I wish we could of gone to a Christmas Service tonight. Or gone ice skating."

"Yeah, me too." 

Matthieu looks over at Alfred, he was watching T.V., on it was a  Christmas special: It's A Wonderful Life

"Do you remember the last time we had a peaceful Christmas?"

Alfred rubs his head, "I think that's when we were both at Francis' place. When we were kids."  He then frowns, "I think they didn't fight for our sake."

Matthieu groans, "Do you even know what they're fighting about now?"

"Probably  something stupid, I think Arthur broke Francis' favorite wine glass."


"Yeah, seems like it happens every year."

From downstairs, both the boys could hear Francis crying. Mattie and Al look at each other, concerned. 

 Matthieu stands up. "Should we go check?" 

Al follows his actions, "yeah. I think Arthur took it too far."

"I hope Francis isn't hurt."

"Me too."

As both the boys head downstairs, they see Francis kneeling on the floor, his face covered by his hands.

"Francis! Are you alright?" Matthieu was at his side in a few seconds. 

"Non, I'm not..."

"Where's Arthur?" Alfred looked around, the British blond was nowhere to be seen.

"He's... He's gone..." Francis sobbed, "He's gone and it's all my fault!"

"It can't possibly be your fault. Arthur just... Overreacts." Matthieu kneels down at his side, "What did you do?"

"I was just, talking, about the past, and how great it was. Arthur assumed that I liked his past self better than him now."

"Shit, where do you think he could have gone?" Alfred was starting to put on his boots and coat.

"Probably to a pub, where else do you think he would go?"

"I'll be back."  Alfred started heading out, he knew where Arthur was.

Alfred gets into his truck and drives to the only pub he knows that Arthur would go to. Alfred kept hoping that Arthur would be alright. 

Once he gets to the pub, he sees Arthur's red Toyota. He heads inside. 

"Arthur?" Alfred looks around and his eyes lock onto the only person at the bar. "Arthur! Are you alright?"

Arthur's eyes look glazed over, he was mumbling something.

"Arthur, c'mon, you gotta head back home." Alfred starts to pick Arthur up. 

"We can get your car tomorrow."

The duo head back and Alfred places the Brit into his room. 

"Francis, Matthieu. I put Artie back into his room. He's had too much to drink."

"At least he's home." Mattieu pipes up, "I think we should all go sleep."

Al had to agree, that would be the best option. 

It wasn't their best Christmas, but at least they were all together. 




merry Christmas

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