Dear You (I)

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Dear You,
Will you stay with me,
More than your words do,
More than the smell of your books do,
More than the word "stay" can ever say?

Will you share yourself with me,
More than just a body and soul,
More than just a single entity love meant us to be,
More than a vow uttered to a jealous God made by a priest?

Will you make a promise to me,
To be less of a perfection in a fiction series,
To be less of a metaphor that exists in dead skin,
To be less of a sun who never wills to meet as siblings?

(Will you) need me,
In ways we need air in gardens to breathe,
In ways God needs Man for him to exist,
In ways a poem needs form and rhyme to ...

Dear You,
(I don't need to hear your name)
(I don't need your promises)
(I don't need your sacrifice)
I just need (you)

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