Dear You (V)

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Dear you,
I'm not sure if I should give you this letter.
I'm not sure if I should even write this.
But you unfortunately, are the subject of my delusions,
and I believe that talking to you
being with you, makes life
bearable at the very least.

I'm afraid I am being hunted,
at the moment, for the moment
I have with you, for you.
Trees hang overhead like crooked fingers,
and I a dice in its palm,
only the black dots don't come close
to the sins I sinned.

I am being hunted by the desperate,
desperate for you and the life that includes you.
You lie just beyond the forest, you beyond my dreams,
barely encroaching on the boundaries of reality.

He who hunts me,
He looks like me.
He wears my face,
wears my smile,
wears my sorrows,
wears my habits,
wears my....need for you.

You are the answer for me, and
You are the answer for him too.

But we know we don't know who we are,
when comparing how similar we are,
but by how different we are.
Memories are our scars,
reminders that we die every day.
You die every day.

He's not stopping,
He's chasing after the ink before it dries,
He's chasing after the time that freezes in sleep,
He's chasing after the pain that makes him feel alive,




Dear you,
I'm not sure if I should give you this letter.
I'm not sure if I should even write this.
But you...

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